inflammare - may count the number of times - each pattern repeats itself
242.pathogen - kontra model citizen polyneuritis -
242.password - please konsult this dokument's konkluzion
01 program konstrukted with nato.0+55.modular delineating further the role of culture as a means of biological evolution + the importance of meme transaktions towards the emergence of complex hierarchical social strukts ?\ \2\
242.pathogen - reinforcing the gravity of konglomerat driven memocide. -
anatomically modern humans have existed for 100000 years
< | | ordnung + d!sz!pl!n >
do males and females cooperate or compete
gigolo in french means a male prostitute while in german it may mean a don juan and some americans see in it a man used by women in one way or another. alison jolly probably had this last sense in mind when she provocatively proposed to rename a group of primates with many females and a single male a 'gigolo' group. the alternative term 'harem' suggests that it is the male who is most important; if he's a gigolo he's there because the females tolerate him.
alison jolly's book is a refreshing and stimulating account of evolution and especially of the evolution of sex and intelligence in humans and primates. one of its strengths is her presentation of the female view.
men have always had a tendency to consider life mainly from their own perspective. thus terms such as 'female choice' or 'female control' rapidly faded out of favour despite the fact that darwin used them. but it is important for men to consider the other view of evolution. sex and intelligence especially since there are good theoretical reasons to expect that intelligence can out-compete strength and that internal fertilization gives every female mammal the final choice of which sperm is going to fertilise her egg. it would be surprising if females did not use this huge advantage.
jolly tells the story from her own perspective as a woman teacher and lemur-watcher taking examples from women's lives such as female orgasm menstruation childbearing and menopause. some of these stories are quite illuminating. to explain to skeptics that not all human behaviour is either learned or conscious she takes the example of labour. "your body, willy-nilly, starts to sneeze, goes into labour, opts to move from first- to second-stage contractions. a nurse told me once 'don't you dare push!' 'i'm not pushing!' i squawked, 'it is!' ... the body's wisdom during labour does not rest on your conscious decisions."
obviously only men could propose in face of such evidence that human behaviour is a tabula rasa!
for some people, "it seemed immoral that morality should increase genetic fitness". she suggests that beside concealment of ovulation in women what is new in human sex is the general need for privacy.
: 103 Christophe Boesch. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
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: 01 ko!ld zpr!ng - hou l!fe beg!nz. ue = kan zleep latr 01 perpetual elektron zp!n++
dorothy hodgkin
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N[>] IMF - the International Meme Fund - shear pathway to the core. - promoting meme development. lokomotion. + reinvestment. - meme sekurity + meme transaktions. [>]
||||||||||||||||||||| rekurrent exc!tat!on || ||||||||
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: begin 242.pathogen password
1 gatcctattt atgctcctga taccgaatat taatgtggat aaattcaaaa aaaatttcct 61 gaatttatat taatttttta aaatctgaaa atctattgga ctcctagtgt taaattcaaa 121 tgacaagttt tacatgataa ctcctagttg ttttacattt aaattctagt gatagttcta 181 aatttatctc tatcaataaa actttcactt ccggcaatta gccgattttc gggaaatttt 241 gaatttcgac aatttggcga tttgccggaa attttgaatt ccggcaattt gccgacttgc 301 cgaaattttt aatttttggc tatgtgccga tttaccggaa attttgaatt acggcaaatt 361 gctgatttgc cggaaatttt caattccggc atttttccga attgtcggaa aaatctatag 421 aacaattcga gattgaatca cgttttacgc gcaaaattca caattttttt ctcgaatttt 481 taaaaatgca ttatttcgct gcaagacccg accgcatgta cctttaacct cgtctctaca 541 gaatccttat tctgtaaatg tttgcatcca aattccaaaa tccgaatacc ctcttccata 601 tcattccgat attcaattgt aatcttgctc aacgcgagtg accattcggc aatcgccagg 661 tcactcatca ccgggacacg tggatgcatt gttcgtagat ttatgtccgc cattcttgga 721 tctcccgacc gacacgtcac gtgttgtttg cagattcgaa ttaaatcgat atcgattgat 781 tcggcagcga cagatgtcca ttggagacac tcgtgctccc acgtgtcgag caggtttatt 841 gccgcctaaa! aatgtggaag acattaacta caaaaactac aaactacaaa ctacacattt 901 ttaaaatatt ttttttcaaa aaggaaaccg gaaaatcgaa aagttttcga ccttctttga 961 atgaaaattg aaaaattcag aaaaaaccga aaaattcaaa aatttccgat ttttttttct 1021 tttagatttt tgagaaaaag aggaattttt tctcactttt ctgtttggaa attgaaaagt 1081 gttactagtt aggctccgcc cacaaaatgg ttcgcagaaa aagtatacga ttttctccgg 1141 attttcaatt aaattttttg ctcaaaatag aaaaaattca gatttttccg aaaaaaaaaa 1201 ccgaaaaatt aaggaaattt cctttttttt gacaattgaa taaattcaaa ttttccatta 1261 ttttttgctc cgtacatcgt atgctttatt ctcggtgagc atctcggcca gtttcaccat 1321 tctcgttgtt ttttcattaa ttcccttcac atttccaccg gattttcgcc gatttgacgt 1381 ctctcggagc tctcgaacag ctcgaacaac gtgctcttca acggattgtg gctcgaagct 1441 tgccgtcgcg ttggctataa tcataagccg catttgatcg attgttggag ccaacggcat 1501 gctagaaatg gcttcttcga tttccagagt gctcgtcgaa agatggaata gttgaaaata 1561 gacgaatttt aatggggaat cgattttttt ggtgtactcg ttgaaattgc aacgaagaat 1621 tgaattcagg tatttatcgc cggtgattgc attgaattgg atgccactga aaaaatttaa 1681 aaatttaaa! a gtttttcact ctaaatttga ccctgattcc gaacatctat gtgaaaaaat 1741 gtttttccct ggttctttat ttcagcttaa aatcgcgaat ttcatttgtg cactcatgag 1801 atttcgaatt ttggcgccag agactccatg tgtcgattta cgagatttgt gtatatttac 1861 gaacccctta acctttatcg gatgctgatt gccgtttttc aacgagttcc cttcattttt 1921 gtcaaagttt ttttgaaaat gttttaaaca aaaactttaa caaaaaccga cgaaactgaa 1981 gaaaactcgt tgaaaaacgg aaatcagcaa ccgataaagg ttaaggggtt cgtaaatata 2041 cacaaatctc gtaaatcaac acatggggtc tctggcgcga aacttcgaaa tctcatgagt 2101 gcacaaatga aattcggcga tttcaagatc aaaaagggat tattttttga attttatctc 2161 atagatattt ggaatcaggg aaaaatttgg agtcatttaa aaatattttc cagatttcgg 2221 tacaaattaa aaaattcgat ttgtttttga aatctaattt tattaactga attttttaaa 2281 gtcgtcgact gtaacttttt taaatttccg aaaagaagtt agtgattttt tcgaaggaat 2341 atatattttc tcaaaaaatt gaagaaccta gaaatgcaga ataggtaaaa aattaatgcg 2401 ttttcctgaa aatttccaga aaactgcttt ctattctaat gaaaaatttc aaaataaaca 2461 attaccacat ccactgcaca atagtcaact cccacgagtc catttgattc gaagacagca