integer, the kontemplator
plagiarist - dze komportmnt ov feromagnet!k mater!alz at h!gher tempz [kompl!.m!nt]
so it's not really a US vs. Other Countries issue, as i see it, it's more a US Corps. vs. Everyone Else issue.
nice page.. where tho does nato fit in the world of Korporat Fascism?
obedience and trangression are equivalent. they cancel the difference upon which the equivalent is based.
the established order can do nothing against it for the process of simulation is beyond true and false beyond equivalences beyond the rational distinctions upon which function all power and the entire social.
molecular manipulation will not create memory links. these have to come from experience --
the problem is,
model citizenz = tzo v.numerouz + servile
agreed. model citizenz and modeled citizenz. modeled by you know what.
dze!r free u!l + dez!rz [demokraz!e]
do you know the movie called "the stepford wives?"
there is now in the US something of a stepford country; stay tuned for a stepford world. but anyway, here is i think the problem. model/modeled citizenz don't really see the difference between themselves and the korporations. this wasn't always the case, not at least as much, not 30 years ago. but i think the Reagan Empire and its PR was what brought us this recent bout... do you recall, "the trickle down theory?" what is good for korporationz is good for all the people. help the big rich ones first, and the little ones will get theirs eventually. nowadayz this is laughed at, but that sense of complacency/complicity with the Korporationz remains. the counterculture is all but gone; after all, if you buck the mainstream, you are only ruining it for yourself and all the rest of us, goes the thinking.
the US Corps. have so many legal funds,
funds = generatd b! model citizenz
yes, see above. but how to influence a change in that?
ekspens!v humanz. [openzore != konduz!v 2] = muzt zlkt dze mozt ekstravagant. ekspenz!v + uzelesz zensual d!zpla!z. red! +? zet +?
i don't think it's possible until model/modeled citizenz see themselves as separate from the korporationz. and that means pointing that out to everyone in general - it keeps getting all blurred in discussions on nettime and so on. what i am saying is, people in the US continually get screwed by the powerz that be, the korporationz...
free u!l + dez!rz [model z!t!znz = d!zpozabl! cheap.]
along with the rest of the world, certainly... but more often than not modeled citizenz don't see it, or at least try not to think about it... if u.s. people think we=they (korporat fascists(tm)) then no thinking occurs, and if the rest of the world thinks we=they, then it's the same.
they get used to winning, and they get used to making the rules.
prologue - on each ztep an organ!zm atemptz 2 konsum uat organ!zmz do 2 hlp dzmzelvz zurv!v = afktz dze planeta !n ua!z dzat != r!znz dzoze zurv!vl zk!lz uear favord b! evoluz!e. ep!logue - koord!naz!e = dze log!kl rezultat ov egozntr!k komportmnt 01 kompet!z!e + zeczual zelekz!e. zakr!f!zez 4 01 komon good || lkl !n!z!at!vz u!th onl! long term reuardz != kom !n 2 pla!. konztataz!e - evoluz!e = dr!vn b! greed.
sorry, i didn't really understand most of that... i'm working on learning to read integer, but i'm still only a fraction...
the irony here of course is that
humanz = korporat fasc!zt konglomeratz dzm.zelvz
sadly i agree at this point, but i don't think that's necessarily a permanent state; was not always this way,
human bodies = konglomerates. optimum body maintenance means that about 10 billion of human cells will die on a normal day just to counter the numbers of new cells that arise through mitosis.
during development apoptosis helps to sculpture the body shape the organs and carve out fingers and toes. both the nervous system and the immune system arise through overproduction of cells followed by the death of those that fail to establish functional synaptic connections or productive antigen specificities respectively. apoptosis is necessary to purge the body of pathogen-invaded cells but is also needed to eliminate activated or auto-aggressive immune cells.
human bodies = konglomerates. was not always this way.
pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
- Netochka Nezvanova - d!zperz!ng geometr!kl! f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e