2 questions before I send in the 800 dollars for the package.
<[nato.0+55.modular ultra lux +? - http://www.beauty has its reasons.com +?]
i want more. do you. have. more +? [staccato]
- Max. screen resolution on 400 mhz pb g3 for smooth animation within nato
construct, using nato as live performance tool - I don't want to write a post processor only a real time instrument. given 200 megs ram, reasonable programming aptitude, patience, understanding that 24 bit color is not the only acceptable way to display imagery.
it is 24 bit [en fakt 32 bit - argb - alfa[romeo].red.red.red] performance depends on effects utilized + on codec + on dimensions of image data processed.
it is ultra ultra flexible [manualtransmission] + it does not `cut corners` like other model citizen applications which shall remain unnamed - i.e. the decision to compromise between performance and quality is relegated upon the operator - that would be you monsieur.
as it should be - my desires from yours differ + 1 of my desires that is.
the model citizen applications which shall remain unnamed are
steim imagine - ikk steinberg xpose - ikk ikk u&u videohippi - ikk ikk
- 3d - and internet, does it really allow multiple inputs from http
sources? can that be done real time?
oui.oui. biensur.
I understand you may ridicule or ignore, I am however not just a "visual concept" person,
the principal input to the human brain is pictures and the principal output is words.
thus to describe the human brain as a device for converting pictures to words one would receive 10 points on the richter scale. aristotle stated that all human knowledge can be expressed in the form a = b. nouns and verbs are separated from static image nouns. separated in the retina they are reunited in speech.
nearly all human thought is pattern recognition. there are four types. 1 dimensional - music 2 dimensional - fine art 3 dimensional - human anatomy 4 dimensional - physiology
1 general theory of pattern recognition is feasible - the sieve of eratosthenes. 2 aren't plausible.
I am an artist and a programmer.
i am a life form. and so are you. ue = ztudentz ov memor! + our neuro b!olog!ez = komplementar!
ur zurv!vl dpndz on m!. m! zuzta!nab!l!t! = apropr!atd 2 u. our enkountrz = dze gu!de poztz + ue = bg!n 2 knou uat 2 obzerv + uear 2 akt.
now i am molten glass and as well are you.
when molten glass is cooled it flows gently. at some point it's essentially solid. unlike water which is either water or ice - glass smoothly changes from a fluid to a really slow fluid to a glass.
moved you +?
baccarat : beauty has its reasons.
sincerely prenom nom
sch - http://www.m9ndfukc.org/data/filmz/%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%200001.mov.sea.bin
ducess - dusess. ducess +? non - cardioid-billiard. a oui. maintenant +?
hazt du geld +? ja.etvas. n!cht zprechen.deklam!ren
Hi, I have problems with corners in the worlds. Is this a bug ? sincerely, Tatiana
pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
Netochka Nezvanova - 01 splendid life objekt @www.eusocial.com 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e