because i'm having server trouble doing grey-mass based decoding of nn's luvl! emails i hacked a little file that +/- translates nn's msg.
u arnt m! r!ght +?
that's right.
h!ztor! muzeum. ! enterta!n cccelv.
but, you am i? you am the robot (orange)
fleks!bl advert!.cement uear !nternl `uallz` jo!n outs!de `uallz` +?
i don't intent to offend anyone. also use @ own risk
d!g.enterta!nmnt +?
ja +?
use .procmailrc && a diff. unnn.conf file for ultra++ digital entertainment ( automatic parsed emails, olee olee )
zpread out ovr dze ua!t!ng
t!me dze dangerz ov
aztero!d kol!z!on
de plus en plus
perlcode (ugly language)
!nzekt.lang = atemptz.2.b.nat.lang
what do you mean?
popularl! knoun az ma`kech - zoferuz ch!lenz!z = ut!l!szd !n yucatan az l!v!ng jeuelr!. dekoratd avec br!ghtl! kolord glass beadz. f!ksd 2 01 tether + p!nd 2 kloth!ng. = zuperlat!v glasz bead game d!ztrakz!e.
perl is horrible language.
dance of the bees (karl von frisch) is better language.
d!e tanze der b!enen
c++ is lovely language.
osterre!ch!sche zoolog!sche ze!tschr!ft
plz. reply private, i donnut want to start a offtopic thread.
! = do.nn.ut !t++. !f du = hav = shl tranzm!t 2 u 01 zplend!d kadeau.
do you mean you uant the script? c'est attached
vriendlijke groet terug.
doei jelle
ps. example script output:
u arnt m! r!ght +?
u arnt me right +?
plate 8o. !n zekz!onz ov se as!a - larvl + pupal buprest!dz + d!t!zc!dz = konsumd [b! humanz] bon apet!t monz!eur et madam
!nzekt.lang = atemptz.2.b.nat.lang
insekt.lang = atempts.2.b.nat.lang
4 dze latezt !n4maz!e on ed!bl + delektabl !nzektz konz!dr zubzkr!b!ng 2 dze food !nzektz neuzletr ed!td b! dr. florensz dunkel + ava!lbl through dze dept ov entomolog!e @ montana ztate un!v !n bozeman.
! = do.nn.ut !t++. !f du = hav = shl tranzm!t 2 u 01 zplend!d kadeau.
i = do.nn.ut it++. if you = hav = shall transmit 2 u 01 splendid kadeau.
See, nothing special. it takes some of the magic away though
each v!ktor! = onl! 01 prelud 2 01 odr + 0+0 boundar!ez ma! b zet 2 raz!onl hope. _____... u!zpr [dzere = 01 neu veLt nekst door (e!ez<->e!ez) ! knou hou 2 get dzere]
m!!ss |r|evolut!on|devot!on
dekorous grav!t+e. nn
pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
- Netochka Nezvanova - dze futur = needz 01 or!g!n f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e