To whom it may concern at Deepdisc, regarding the theft of 0f0003 Maschinenkunst intellectual property
The "license" document included with your software contains an illegally copied and altered document. This document in its entirety is copyright Netochka Nezvanova || 0f0003 Maschinenkunst || || as clearly stated in the 0f0003 software package from which you have copy / pasted it.
You are hereby informed of this implicit transgression. You may either immediately remove the offending document and or include in the "license" document the original and unedited text and clearly specify that the data has been authored by Netochka Nezvanova || 0f0003 Maschinenkunst || || in which case Deepdisc is granted permission to utilize the text until and inclusive of January 1st 2000. In the interim, ample time exists for Deepdisc to formulate an original document illustrative of Deepdisc mind activity.
A public statement by representatives of Deepdisc for their uninvited excursion and theft of 0f0003 Maschinenkunst intellectual property is requested.
Further, there have been instances of audio files produced by Nebula.m81 which Andy Freeman of Deepdisc has downloaded from and subsequently utilized in commercial projects. Deepdisc is asked to immediately remove offending material, to in the future refrain from such activities or obtain permission for the utilization of 0f0003 data.
A quote :
" >the idea being to explore the aural space that is the internet.
the interface is somewhat reminiscent of nebula24 (antiorp) though not as versatile!
ou!. !t = reku!rz 1 amalgam ov malez 2 kompete + fa!l "
The understanding is that Deepdisc is sponsored by the British Government.
Andy Freeman / Deepdisc may wish to observe that Nebula.m81 and the concept of UrlSynthesis (which inspired your software) is patented Netochka Nezvanova 1999. (problems do not currently exist)
Netochka Nezvanova f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e
deepdisc konglomerat ecrit
Built by a team of just two people (see note 1), = one life objekt unlike the male impostors at deepdisc it does not operate via korporat / gov kasch data - rather by imperceptibly undulating at 0+1 rectangular darwinian strukt + digital bitztream koridorz = !mmob!l. kompletl! z!lent. engag!ng data v!z!bl! d!ztant. tak!ng dze !nterpretant doun 4b!dn pathz
- vzhodna evropa kot nedelj!v! preoztanek al! kos dreka matemat!kna zpodletelozt. -_ d!nam!kna zpodletelozt. b!t. revoluc!=ja. zodobnem kompleksu. -___.... m9ndfukc.macht.fre! . okz!dent--
e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e
< \----------------+ | n2t | >
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[n-at_o.ma_ch-t.fr_e!] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | |