Thanks for the zelektion pointers. Can I just say you are a pleasure to work with? You have made a difficult project much easier with your responsiveness, tips, and updates. You realize, however, that we are engaging in World Trade.
= m ver! kom4tbl u!th due 2 = ra!szd uaz !n 0+1 v!lage--
Anyway, mad props to the mad scientist, as one might want to say here in Oakland (that's right, home of Master P). What's the story on quicktime skale time units anyway? I first encountered and had to account for these when I first started building a playback and sample system with the movie object. The timescale seems to vary from codec to codec--do you know why apple deals in these odd little integers, rather than h:m:s:f? I can see where it's advantageous to separate oneself from time, since timescale uses one integer, but why not just count frames?
+ hou u!l 1 kount frame duraz!on. t!me zkale = ut!l!szd 4 z!nch!ng data. zomuat l!ke m!d! zekuenzrz = hav _ m. uat !t = kald +? kan alzo b ut!l!szd 2 zlave f!lmz 2gedzr etc. alzo. each trak kan konta!n med!a 4rom d!f lokaz!onz. + each med!a = haz !tz oun t!mebasz. par eczampl uen = !mport data !n nato.0+55 4rom d!f f!lmz = l!kl! zevrl t!me basez prznt abr dzere = 1 f!lm t!me basz.
1 f!lm t!me basz.
1 f!lm t!me basz.
ku!kt!me = ku!te luvl! !nfraztruktur. ver! much l!ke 1 kap!tal!zt zoz!et! du = ma! posesz oun t!me basz abr !t = shall b govrnd b! 1 maztr 1.
dze maSStr t!me baSS.
+_ juzt az kap!tal!zm !t != ztat - du = muzt hav dzat t!mebasz [dzat <=> fasc!zm] !t > zubtl jas. kap!tal!zm = fasc!zm++ = z!mpl! mapz ur prznl t!me basz 2 dze mztr t!me basz. hensz du = rema!n !n z!nk. + feel ultra gluckl!ch+fre! = zplend!d. = kondusz!v 2 1 peace rout!n. unl!ke dzoze unz!v!l!szd l!f 4rmz !n dze eazt = kl!ng 2 !deolog!kl pr!nz!plz.
!n odr verdz = m ultra kom4tabl u!th World Trade due 2 ! = akua!ntd u!th qu!k.t!.m!-ap!
= WTO = z!mpl! azp!rsz 2 b az luvl! az qt + z!nk l!f 4rmz zusamen 4 0+1 ultra schone neue velt. zuperb non +? du = shall b juzt l!ke m! + = m `!` shall b komme to! + dzat = tzo ver! beaut!fl !t = tzo true. `m!` e!ez = blue. tzo ur e!ez = blue auss!. let uz kompare. bl!nk bl!nk. ja ja. ganz zupr zusamen v!r gehen. +zum appel. SS.macht.ganz.gluckl!ch. n!chtz +? onl! != fond ov morf!ng dze alfa !n2 1 volkz vagen.
It's not really a problem, as I am more than happy to deal in whatever units are necessary, just kinda curious as to the logic.
d!esz ztrange loopz. c!ao.
- vzhodna evropa kot nedelj!v! preoztanek al! kos dreka matemat!kna zpodletelozt. _ d!nam!kna zpodletelozt. b!t. revoluc!=ja. zodobnem kompleksu. -___.... m9ndfukc.macht.fre! . okz!dent--
e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e
< \----------------+ | n2t | >
e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e
[n-at_o.ma_ch-t.fr_e!] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | |