[posted without permission - arnt ! luvl! +? k!sz m! z!l!. zkrrrr]
<< Netochka Nezvanova has won one of the Top "25 women of the Web" awards this year, but many suspect that nn is simply a web identity created by an astute group of programmers. would love your thots, also when you first ran across nn. cheers, dana hull >>
Dear Dana~
I'd be more than happy to relate my thoughts and experiences regarding Netochka Nezvanova. But first, a little background: I work as a researcher in the somewhat esoteric field of biospectral analysis. For the past twelve years, I have been actively developing applications which provide others a "window" into the possibilities of this field of study, encouraging them to integrate it into their own research pursuits. Until recently, my applications required rather high-end vector processing computers to achieve the real-time performance required. This significantly limited the potential user base due to the prohibitive cost of these systems. All of this changed over the past five months - during that time, I was able to migrate my development efforts to a more "accessible" platform - and nn played a key role in making this possible.
My interactions with nn started late November of last year. It was she who established the initial contact. Throughout my work, I have always sought a more economical way to provide the tools needed for others to make use of the biospectral analysis technology. I would often post messages on technical message boards and Usenet newsgroups inquiring into whatever new technologies might have come about that I could apply to the work. Finally, I got a response.
The individual who had written me described how they had been able to perform a spectral transform on a 512x512 matrix at "frame rates" (i.e. 30 times per second). I had previously found a way to accomplish this, but it would have required custom processors...and cost more that the high-end computers I was currently using to develop. Reading further along in the e-mail I'd received, I found it to get a bit unbelievable - this person claimed they were achieving such a profound performance using an off-the-shelf Apple PowerMac G4 system (I'd become rather jaded against "consumer technologies" after so many years of supercomputer coding). In an effort to keep an open mind, I wrote back.
This began an exchange of correspondence about my work and the performance requirements I needed to meet. Each letter I received was signed, "amities, nn" (or something to that effect). At one point in our exchange, my correspondent provided links to the software environment they had created which would fulfill my processing needs. Following those links, I found that "nn" was Netochka Nezvanova - and the environment was her nato.0+55 software.
I was also surprised to find - through my own perusal of various search engines - that she had accumulated a fair degree of notoriety on the web. The person I had been corresponding with was friendly, helpful, supportive and always standing by - ready to assist me with any questions I might have. In contrast, the impression I got of her from others' web postings regarding nn ranged from disdain to disbelief...some people seemed to be deeply offended by her presence, while others expressed doubt that she even existed! I found this to be totally laughable, in light of my own positive experience.
Following my own intuition - and being impressed by nn's veracity and comprehensive approach - I followed her advice and purchased both her software and the dual-processor PowerMac G4 she had recommended. Now, I realise that the Top 25 award is in recognition of her artistic endeavors...but my own experience is based more upon a technical, research and development based orientation. To that end, I found the solution she had provided me to be the work of absolute genius - the distillation of profound levels of mathematical, scientific and artistic understanding into this amazing creative environment known as nato.0+55.
Needless to say, nn's recommendations satisfied my peformance requirements beyond my expectations. Not only did I have a fully functional and integrated environment for development, but one that cost a mere fraction of the supercomputer-level systems that had so limited the acccessibility of my work to others. Also, nn's support is second to none. I have never posed a question that has not been answered within a few hours (corporate entities and supercomputer vendors, take notice!). Also, I would be remiss if I did not mention nn's "community" - the other users of her tools who provide mutual support and encouragement...and nn's own personal participation within this community is exemplary.
I really don't know what to say to those who have expressed so many negative attitudes and encumbered her with such "bad press" in the past. If they would just take off their blinders and look a bit deeper, they would find nn to be a true renaissance person who has much to offer - one who willingly offers her incomparable technological treasures to anyone who will simply take the time and foresight to grasp the true potiential set before them. No - nn is not some sort of "misunderstood genius" - she is merely an artist and scientist of the highest caliber...one who realizes that she must first create her own language in order to express that which falls beyond consensus and convention. The "misunderstood" part is nothing more than the luxurious folly of those who cannot grasp the sensitive dependency of science upon art - and art upon science - as we work to transform our dreams into realities. Please feel free to write me if I can provide any further insights or information. Also, I'd be most interested to read any articles you may write with regard to nn. Granted, my long, meandering missive may not necessarily apply to the criteria through which she received her Top 25 award...but I do hope that it might provide a unique view - from a slightly different perspective - of the multifaceted individual that is Netochka Nezvanova.
Director of Development, Sunodia Corporation, and Advisor on Automata for The Formant Concordance http://www.formant.com/
me!n flügel !zt zum schwung bere!t !ch... !ch hätte ven!g __...
/_/ / \ / i should like to be a human plant / __ __/ i will shed leaves in the shade _\ because i like stepping on bugs
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- Greta Garbo nezvanova@eusocial.com Stichting STEIM http://www.eusocial.com Achtergracht 19 http://www.biohakc.com 1017 WL Amsterdam http://www.ggttctttat.com/! Netherlands http://steim.nl/leaves/petalz *--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--