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The DIGit Media Arts Exposition was created - and is produced to give artists and content creators an exciting and innovative context within which to show their work - and to provide audiences with valuable and challenging material not otherwise available to them.
It will be held between August 19 - 27, 2006 in seven locations around Sullivan County, NY - including a new 4800-seat outdoor-covered amphitheater on the 1969 Woodstock site on Sunday, August 27. This feature event will open with Podstock - and the work will be presented on three massive screens.
The feature weekend will begin on Thursday, August 24, with a singular outdoor event in the Upper Delaware River Valley. Imagine standing on the oldest suspension bridge in America while listening to sound & music echoing off the ridge tops, and seeing images that fill the pristine valley. The right stereo sound will come from the N.Y. side of the river, and the left stereo will come from the P.A. side at the Roebling Bridge. The National Park Service has granted a "special use" permit for the landmark bridge.
Summer is a great time to come here — "The Garden." Only 2 hours from NYC — you can climb a Catskill Mountain, visit Yasgur's Farm (site of the original Woodstock event) and ride the Upper Delaware — the only free-flowing, crystal-clear river in the East.
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS AND PROPOSALS Cash awards total $5000 - Deadline June 1
Delaware Valley Arts Alliance - Celebrating 30 years as a nonprofit for the arts.
DIGit is made possible by a major grant from - and receives on-site audits by New York State Council on the Arts.