In a message dated 5/13/01 3:10:16 PM, writes:
<< The next generation will no longer show the deplorable mental differences that oppose a just and equal society. Everyone, male or female, will be moderately aggressive, moderately sexual, moderately interested in both babies and technology, and capable of competing interchangeably in all walks of life.
Dear NN - are wheee(!) entertaining ourselfs wit flites of ffffanci????? to think power imbalance is a small chemical adjustment on the road to utopia. My male cat had a nervous breakdown recently on the arrival of a rival (male cat). Muchmeltdown, angst, bad psycho triangle...a real Bergman movie. Holistic drops (from a holistic vet who had perhaps passed a rubber chicken over a small bottle of water - who cares it worked) helped some. But the real transformation came when new visitor 2 in the pecking order got fixed. Peace in the valley. Makes you think about Kosova.
Are whee(!) sirius???????
though less vivid + less rich in detail than sensory percepts thought. inner speech + conscious imagery are all powerful reminders that a conscious scene can be constructed even in the absence of external inputs. dreams are the most striking demonstrators of this fact.
do you lack memories of love +?
`can't wait you to glue me with more words`
Next project will be projected on smoke or something. is pure immateriality. I want to be everywhere. I want you to be everywhere.
don't give me a name, i'll disappear, a child, an idiot, a madman, a name without a name closed in my world. i want to be free to wish, to wish to disappear, in a pulsation, blended with you, my heavenly lover. you change my self into pure energy, into a fluid, a rush, a pulsation of love. without fences, without name, without meaning. only the lively movement of a double being.
pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
Netochka Nezvanova - SUPORT-VEkTOR-MASKIN - ISBN: 0140444556 f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e