____ _______________________________________________
m u l t i . f i l m . r o u t i n e z : |?| - please view in _m9nd konta!nr - 10 point
_______________________+++++++-- n a t o.0+55 _- 0f0003 m2zk!n3nkunzt | | www.m9ndfukc.org
nato.0+55[+3d] multi.module
1 infinite amalgam* of films. audio files etc may be accessed stochastically. !statistically. et automatiquement via soft + ultra plaztik macintosh keyboard else via max routines else via the ultra uneventful midi protokol - with latency times superb.
unlike addtl kode which manages several seconds latency. shall omit the software as they are now utilizing nato.0+55 _ new + improved delicate strategies in pacification yes +? if desired one specific life form may contact one of `my` addresses for info.data on how to reduce the seconds latency to milliseconds latency
unlike nr 2 model citizen korporat serf kode [hallo arkos \ steinberg SSerfs] nato.0+55 does support linear films as well as non.linear - interactive films.
* _ meaning many many thousands of local + internet film \ audio files
v!tal leap 2uardz dze !med!at tr2nz4maz!onz ov 0+1 prologue 2 0+1 dream ztajt !remed!abl! d!zturbd on d!sz br!ef zkale ov dze momentum. dze az!m!labl zekz!on ov 0+1 pazt = dze el!m!nabl quadrant ov 0+1 prznt - !dle plzur. preokupaz!on ov dze zent!mntl perzonaj + !tz weaknesz 4 0+1 zukzez!on ov !deaz
a tout a l.heure
| |9| [p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen !nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n : / / m9ndfukc.org
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