From: douglas repetto Subject: january 2001 dorkbotnyc meeting
this month's meeting will take place tomorrow, wednesday, january 3rd, 2001 at the columbia university computer music center. 7pm sharp. see the link below for info/directions.
this month we're focusing on video artists and software. we'll have four presenters:
kurt ralske will demo his use of nato.0+55 for real-time interactive control of video (including audio-to-video and video-to-audio mapping)
sheldon drake will show a short reel of his latest after effects video creations.
jeremy bernstein will show some recent video work he's been developing using MAX and NATO.0+55. he's attempting to fit narrative/discursive content into the context of live image performance.
r. luke dubois will present some of his current work with live video processing.
hope to see you there!
- nato'z kreaz!on - nn = uaz redef!n!ng !t.
Netochka Nezvanova - cheerful! perversz - she dez!dz uat 2 do nekst. \ del!z!ouz \ f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e