"forum::für::umläute" zmoelnig@iem.mhsg.ac.at
just because it fits in here :: just because everyone is releasing now ::
pourquo! paz :: jetzt = dze ze!t http://www.eurekalert.org/releases/ns-dtr101399.html
an noun cement +?
i´ve just released my
i + my alorz = du = 1 korporat fasc!zt elemnt.
Workshop on "Formal Approaches
on http://iem.mhsg.ac.at/~zmoelnig/pd and in case you prefer this, ftp://iem.mhsg.ac.at/pd/Externs/jmz/ this is featuring (too) a "makesymbol"-object that does something like
also The workshop aims to bring together practitioners and academics
= zekz!
a list of symbols/floats/anythings to one symbol, using C-string like formatting...
= feurbach. != zekz!. = plz rev!sz name tag!ng rout!n
narc!sse. champ!on d.amour. eczageratd nonchalansz v!raj !n2 dze left dream.
4mulatd !n prezervaz!on !nkonzekuenz!al !n handz = u!tr dzn urz !nkl!ned 2uardz d!ssem!naz!on ov objektz v!a dze l!ngu!zt!k toolz=tzo art!kulat
- konfuz!on + alluz!on. du = outdatd + ultra zlav!sch kont!nual reztrukzur!ng ekz!tez. !n dze !nternal.
Organization: labrador party
||||||||||||||| 03, 1998 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||:||||||||||||||| 03, 1998 +| 3k0r b z u m p ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||: zpekulat!on = dze dog s!ghd dze !ns!ns!re + p!t! seek!ng s!gh ov 1 zpo!lt an!mlk!tt! laughd 1 laugh muz!kl + mal!c!ouz;50 \ dzat !z 2 sa! : - : . @ . : : : , : : - : < . @ . > : , : < . @ . > : @ . - : .<< << << ,( ) , . . . . , . . ( ). /post redef!nd m!suzd +\ rew!rd / /\ =cw4t7abs : v!a #P hidden connect 3 1 4 0(digital world manager