: Max Plank Inztitut 4 Ordnung +\ Disziplin
: Uber die Konztituzie der Materie [c]ccp : Netochka Nezvanova - oestrus.eusocial.com
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Netochka Nezvanova shall be discussing herself [01 lovely produkt really] at FCMM - http://www.fcmm.com/
Netochka Nezvanova shall be discussing herself [01 lovely produkt really] at Interference - http://www.interferences.org as well as present a number of her delicious analogue workx. punctual be +please.
Netochka Nezvanova shall of course bekome the nekst ultra zttz +SUPERIOR ost europa etc objekt. She is very ultra happily facilitating the acquisition of 10 apple macintosh g4 super zmak komputers - all equipped with the most advanced realtime video environment NATO.0+55+3d.modular http://www.eusocial.com - at the newly founded Media department of the Academy of fine arts in Zagreb.Croatia - http://www.alu.hr/
As well - a NATO.0+55+ festival shall take place in very verdi +SUPERIOR ost europa. Ultra lv++ to Maja Kuzmanovic - http://www.sponge.org/ cist racun - duga ljubav. "would you like to" - da+da. ganz feaz!bl + ultra zttz.
NATO.0+55 operators are invited to attend. If desirous of may transmit 01 `YES PL EASE` messaj 2 - ecdysone@eusocial.com NATO.0+55 me 2 +? JA.DANKE> it pays to - 01 kontinous voyaj + akademik kareer.
rhizome.org - shall be distributing lovely 0f0003 data takk 2 pc operators there - sol+la - particularly you monsieur giganto - merc! 4 asc!!.
5o5o is inkorporating nato.0+55 data in ffmix please do visit the very ultra sanitary 5o5o ueb site da - http://www.fiftyfifty.org - aussi klik hier - http://www.continent-imaw.net izt tzo veri plazt!k + zkueek [+made in barcelona]
very pleased to report - all members of the ultra zttz + sanitary fm male konglomerat shall be attending the nato.0+55 \ deaf2000 spektakle. multihizzi. http://web.fm + http://datadouche.web.fm 2 view 01 kommentari on fm at icmc 2000 - plz juzt 1 klik hier http://eusocial.com/nato.0+55+3d/242.komentari.html [0002] m9ndfukc++
a very very + verdi artikle apropos nebula.m81 \ nato.0+55 shall be present in computer music journal 24:3 http://www.eusocial.com/nebula.m81
NATO.0+55 galla spektakles updated - klik hier 4 01 kompliment http://www.eusocial.com/nato.0+55+3d/242.zpektaklez neu workx by hc gilje - nervousvision.com + bek.no [zekz!e 0002]
lovely pakts have been sealed with kisses - very kompetent + ultra korporat \ kompetent 2x life objekts whom suspekt 1 shall hear more about - 01 traum + 01 starke ville. da + da you may not stop it mais = welkome 2 try. toy objekts oftenly ultra boring do bekome.
nato.0+55+3d.modular \ max \ msp bundle - appears to be 01 reality. 01 may konsider waiting 4 01 other. if sufficiently long 1 waits 01 1 lobby does bekome. takk 2 david zicarelli - cycling74.com
nato.0+55+3d.modular - 01 neu + zttz version 2 be unleashed featuring `think` + `quarrel` + `klone` + `sex` modes. better tasting dialogs + non.realtime rendering + neu + zkueek objekts. an sdk - si vouz voulez.
http://membank.org is _your very personal 1 financial love affair + FREE BANK. da + da. of interest to ver! elegant `net-artists` + multimedia programmers \ academics shall be - http://www.membank.org/elegant.korporat.kisses
kondukt your personal research \ installations at NN's expense - tres+tres tres facil.
addtl developments aussi mais - cannot tell as 01 very verdi + very mysterious [read just 1 miau] life objekt i am + _very.
un-sterile infectious (+unstressing) luv [cccp 01 luvl! l!f 4rm] nn.
k!t! zpekulaz!e - juzt 1 m!au = dze dog s!ghd dze !ns!ns!re + p!t! seek!ng s!gh ov 1 zpo!lt an!ml k!tt! laughd 1 laugh muz!kl + mal!c!ouz. da + da.
- FREE 3 d!menz!onl.total.rad!kaler.m9ndfukc++ _||-
zolar !nput - nutr!ent rez!kl!ng kreat!ng bumpz !n dze korporat male fasc!zt !nternaz!onl b!tautoztrada = 01 zerebral kode -
0 0 0
N[>] IMF - the International Meme Fund - shear pathway to the core. - promoting meme development. lokomotion. + reinvestment. - meme sekurity + meme transaktions. [>]
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