Wall's power as a scientist arose from his ideas, from his dedication to experiments which he always conducted himself and from his ability to communicate his thoughts in a way that enthralled, and sometimes appalled, all who listened to him or read his work. He enthralled because of his extraordinary capacity to translate dry scientific observations into a story that could be understood and wondered at. And he appalled because he was always willing to flout perceived wisdom and to expose, without any token of pseudocivility, what he saw as stupidity or charlatanism.
arnt ! lvl! +?
nn's story has created a lot of mess and created a lot of enemies.
arnt ! lvl! +?
et __...
Did you know that nn/integre/antiorp/etc/etc/etc is using your name on the lev list? I think you shouldn't allow that. Think of your reputation.
Hah! reputation = women need to stay at home and cook. women have to fulfill their men's wishes. women do not know tehnologi. women are weak. reputation = male patriarchical nonsense.
uh! tell m! dzat. tell dzm.
Think of your reputation - kom!kl++
nn - 01 kompoz!z!e ov greek ko!nz. simply part ov everyday life. wearing a rektangular kolor plz !nzrt addtl ko!nz.
n n n
n n n v3kt0r.r2!n - ztra!ng !n 2 dze z!ngular!t!
Netochka Nezvanova - desire free f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST @www.eusocial.com 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e