David Zicarelli of Cycling74 [we license + we Thieving] Inc.
There are two reasons for maintaining floating-point signal buffers. One is that converting float to integer (or vice versa) is one of the most expensive operations in a computer. On the PowerPC it takes 19 instruction
nn typed
- NN how long have you been programming in c +? - mo! +? mo! +? ! != program !n c. ! = program !n zvenzka zprach. however even I know that David Zicarelli is lying - again. - How. How do you know +? - moment. (enter 01 other nn - wink) there are 3 instructions in our conversion routines. but ____... we don't steal. CYCLING74 DOES STEAL.
nn t!p.toez 2 dze ekke uear z!carell! l!f objkt = nodding off + zkr!!!!!!mz
nn uatchez !n d!zbel!ef az z!carelli = falz off the CYCLING74 dilapidated THIEVING chair.
- hello love. how are you. [nn smiles lovingly + karesses zicarelliz dilapidated m9ndkontainr wearing autoklaved gloves] you are such a darling. listen dear. i have brought you something. look - your company's favorite drug.
it'z BENADRILL!!!!!!!!! TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [zicarelli fallz off CYCLING74 dilapidated THIEVING chair once again] nn zm!lez but kindly helps him up. after which she zkatez out of the room.
nn returns with 24 cans of coca.cola. zkr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m [z!lntl! ja] letz b!ozkulpt. nn pourz coca.cola+++ around zicarelli'z dilapidated chair + on h!m. uet ur.celllz aga!n. u l!tl darl!ng.
01 coca.cola piscina da + da. 4 u 2 zu!m !n. nn l!ftz zicarelli +
zr!!!!!!mz - SWIM. SU!!!!!!!M I TELL U!!!!!
zicarelli divez in. nn laughz - good buuuuuo!!!!!!!! nn letz zicarelli enjoy 01 bath 4 etvas minuten !n 01 coca.cola piscina.
zicarelli zwims
bon. nn liftz zicarelli out of coca.cola + places him on 01 mikroskope slide
nn powers her ultra ekspensiv nikon live cell mikroskope. zicarelli utters something. nn cannot be bothered now. QUIET!!!!!!!!! sol+la
nn places 01 pupila nekst 2 eye piece + what does she see +? extracurricular zicarelli activities - uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu nn says to self. goodness. you have been very very very busy monsieur d a v i d.
nn makes some notes + indikates - i shall return tomorrow. i l o v e live cell mikroskopi. YES PL EASE!!!!!!!!!
[c]ccp Netochka Nezvanova + Irena Sabine Czubera
beside concealment of ovulation in women what is new in human sex is the general need for p r i v a c y. [CYCLING74 doesnt know that yet - nn will $HANGE that. FOREVER + EVER> feel it +?]
Netochka Nezvanova - de rerum natura. deep deep blue. hou do ! = prov human!t! 2 u. sol++ f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST @www.eusocial.com 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e