b!t revolut!on :: part 0+5 :: enkapzulat!on
- - - elektronik mail ....___ may kontakt solaris@m9ndfukc.com - - -
rebirth of the epistolarian tradition - temporarily vanished during the 2oth century due to first stage of tele-communication: the tele-phone - direct speech takes the place of written communication.
simultaneously - birth of the plural communication which is the real revolution life forms are living.
expansion of symmetry implied by democracy [implied - an actual democracy + not one konglomerate of life forms subjugating the liberty of additional life forms] which appeals a new acting to maintain the dissymmetry of the elective calling by a personal communication - synchronically dissymmetrical to promote the possible of a diachronic conquest of symmetry by the subject of the speech in the time of science.
deeply linked with the `dit-mansion` of the significant promoted by an epigon of sigmund freud - special strukture that works out of imagination but on it.
- - - s o l a r ! z _____..... m9ndfukc.com - -
this presentation is a protest against the incompetent korporate fascist konglome.ratz. controlling the - mcgill maxforum chris@MUSIC.MCGILL.CA + the - XCHANGE@re-lab.net XCHANGE@re-lab.net + the - net.ti.me forum byfield@panix.com + against korporate fascist life forms and konglome.ratz everwhere+1 routinely exploiting additional life forms - impeding natural selection hence populating the gene pool with inferior data.
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-0 ] / 0- zv3!t3[z]!zt3m | | m9ndfukc.macht.fre! -0 / [ \ -0 0-
3.8232421875 d m 0.400390625 a a 4.07196044921875 t r 7.598876953125 a g 2.04864501953125 g a 8.675537109375 r t 0.58074951171875 a a 6.7877197265625 m d
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when an application sends data utilizing tcp the data is sent down the protokol stack through each layer until it is sent as a stream of bits across the network. each layer adds information to the data by prepending headers and sometimes adding trailer information to the data that it receives. the unit of data that tcp sends to the ip is called a tcp segment. the unit of data that ip sends to the network interface is called an ip datagram. the stream of bits that flows across the ethernet is called a frame.
the capital I Internet is an internet that spans the globe and consists of more than 10000 networks and more than 1 million computers
there is a limit on the size of the frame for both ethernet encapsulation and 802.3 encapsulation
shall be addressing the limit on the size of the frame for the human m9nd kontainer encapsulation
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completed and prezented in [model citizen time] - 1999 a.d.
during the korporate fascist occupation. during the korporate fascist occupation. during the korporate fascist occupation.
may kontakt solaris@m9ndfukc.com to obtain this document
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ip - the internet protokol provides an unreliable connectionless datagram delivery service. when something goes wrong such as a router running out of buffers ip has a simple error handling algorithm - throw away the datagram and try to send an icmp message back to the source.
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avoiding an unbearable silence, the four layers, as the eye, are attracted to motion. the protokol suite vibrates as violoncello strings - an interaction that causes a quiver, a responsive tone of harmonic complexity. the articulation of subject interaction as expression determines the value of its output packets, to be commodified and replicated, to extricate the extraneous.
resonance and intention co-efficients in the valuing of output; intention of information, a listening to the production matrix, a reaction and refinement of resultant action. the output as composition, as stratification of data.
the processing of resultant information - as coalescence of form and dynamic. harmonic - as the object to be construed as manipulated and comprehended
as validation of the complexity of these inherent values, the recognition of this desiring machine as producer of commodity becomes the binary instrument as prosthetic to articulation - extensions of possible formations - a clarity of expression. as a technological boundary to be surpassed, the recognition of this intention demands a discernment of the event_before. to proceed as a non_event, the event_before must be reformulated in context and expression. the haze of information surrounding this event_before stratifies as intention oscillates and the existing data is recognized and simultaneously eliminated as effect and replaced by the non_event.
hence an increase in output fails to result in the congesture of end systems with data structures. at computation of intention information dissipates, a vacuum arises but as the instrument is seen as producer it is spontaneously and erroneously filled at next intention with equivalence of unstratified data. constituting the instrument it is of significance as only a silent object.
it is the potential of the object which holds value; once commodified all potential is dissolved and with interaction value is diffused in the clarification of the object's intention.
- - tra!ler enkapzulat!on -
1.21.99 Lycos Inc. <LCOS.O> up 12 1/2 on speculation of potential partners. nasdaq down dramatically. internet stocks down dramatically.
01/20 21:58 Lycos in talks with potential partners
By Nicole Volpe
NEW YORK, Jan 20 (Reuters) - Amid a wave of consolidations sweeping the Internet media business, Internet media company Lycos Inc. <LCOS.O> said Wednesday it was in talks with potential partners, but declined to comment on speculation that the partners included German media company Bertelsmann <BTGGg.F>.
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that is to say. model citizens believe they understand. yet they do not. they do not understand they fail to understand. their potential nil their value defined as an aggregation of nil objects
d!fferent!al d.ka! on 0+1 dezolate plane ov debr!z ccccellofane spasz !nhab!td w!th !mmater!al 4rmz enkloz!ng komplecx !nternl referentz ccccel-konzeptual!szd 4mat!onz dzat = flatl! abrogate object!v anal!s!z
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relat!v!zt!kc effektz bg!n zett!ng !n
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alternat!v h!ztor!ez + parallel un!versez
- art!kl nummer 0+28. anti[c]m9ndfukc.com ma! kontakt m9ndfukc_arkiv@m9ndfukc.com 4 komplet l!zt!ng [x]
< 0\ zve!te[z]!ztem \1 >
completed and prezented in [model citizen time] - 1999 a.d.
during the korporate fascist occupation. during the korporate fascist occupation. during the korporate fascist occupation.
may kontakt solaris@m9ndfukc.com to obtain this document
related data :
- b!t revolut!on : : part _ 0+0 web : http://m9ndfukc.com/dfk_okkupation/bit_revolution email : bit_revolution_0+0@m9ndfukc.com
- b!t revolut!on : : part _ 0+1 web : http://m9ndfukc.com/dfk_okkupation/bit_revolution email : bit_revolution_0+1@m9ndfukc.com
- b!t revolut!on : : part _ 0+2 web : http://m9ndfukc.com/dfk_okkupation/bit_revolution email : bit_revolution_0+2@m9ndfukc.com
- b!t revolut!on : : part _ 0+3 web : http://m9ndfukc.com/dfk_okkupation/bit_revolution email : bit_revolution_0+3@m9ndfukc.com
- b!t revolut!on : : part _ 0+4 web : http://m9ndfukc.com/dfk_okkupation/bit_revolution email : bit_revolution_0+4@m9ndfukc.com
- m9ndfukc.kinematek [film module] web : avec music : http://m9ndfukc.com/kinematek web : sans music : http://m9ndfukc.com/kinematek/zttz
- m9ndfukc.kinematek.reference email : kinematek_ref@m9ndfukc.com
- m9ndfukc.kinematek current film scenario [100k+] email : kinematek_kurrent@m9ndfukc.com
- m9ndfukc.list email : lizt00@m9ndfukc.com
- m9ndfukc.propaganda web : http://m9ndfukc.com/propaganda web : pixelz : http://m9ndfukc.com/dir_kontentz/_propaganda.html email : smtp55o@m9ndfukc.com
- arkive [1/n] web : http://m9ndfukc.com/dir_kontentz/_botz.html
- =cw4t7abs_net_action web :
- addtl data email : lizt00@m9ndfukc.com
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. . . . . . . . . the study of linguistic history is of the utmost importance to the grammarian - it broadens its mind and tends to eliminate that tendency to reprobation which in the besetting sin of the non historian grammarian - for the history of languages shows that changes have constantly taken place in the past and that what was bad grammar in one period may become good grammar !n dze neczt - dze f!lozof! ov gramr oTTo jesperzen