Eyebeam's Winter 2008 Call for Residents
Eyebeam is now accepting applications for Winter 2008 residencies. In addition to our preexistent residency program, this season we’re very pleased to announce an additional opportunity for artist support: the inaugural Commission for Resident Artists, underwritten by Dewar’s. Details about the commission, which will offer an additional subsidy to two residents a season, are here:
The application deadline for the Winter 2008 Residency Season (which runs from January–June) is September 17, 2007. All applicants will be informed of their status by November 2007.
The application deadline for Eyebeam's 2007/08 Fellowship program was August 6. All applicants will be informed of their application status by October 1, 2007.
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'You people have such restrictive dress for women,’ she said, hobbling away in three inch heels and panty hose to finish out another pink-collar temp pool day. - “Hijab Scene #2", by Mohja Kahf