zorenzon = 01 luvl! efekt modul ncezt paz +?
= kmpresz!ng m! ch!ldhood memor!ez ma!n tenant avec zorenzon lo.q
+ kompresz!ng dze rezultant v!deo avec dze m9nd konta!nr komponent - kodek.l!zt. bzzp.
aprez = shal presz 01 v!n!l + uear !t at neczt !cmc galla zpektakl.
= !f 1 = zl!dez 01 f!ngrt!p komponent upon !t = v!deo generatd [tm] - patent apl!ed 4
shl b > populr dzn dze l!ve tomato dresz-ztrukt [patent apl!ed 4] non +?
b!t mesz!.
+ dze loft an!mal = eng!neerd = 01 defkt haz : ma! b = zleepz kont!nouzl!. !t != mort due 2 !t = ver! verd! zan!tar! - perpleczd ma!z luvl!.
I would like
to add
That is truly classic - being insensitive to the blind by posting non-english messages.
<=> enter!ng 1 kompet!z!on 2 u!n za!d kompet!z!on
!.m bl!nd. !.m bl!nd. scena 0+25. 19oo. reg!a. bernardo bertolucc!.
\ dzat !z 2 sa! :
- : . @ . : : : , : : - : < . @ . > : , : < . @ . > : @ . - : .
<< << << ,
( )
, .
. . . , .
. ( ).
/ post redef!nd m!suzd +\ rew!rd / /
\ =cw4t7abs : v!a #P hidden connect 3 1 4 0
- [c]ccp nn - lazt faze ov pleasure = pleasure due 2 errorz
| |9| [p-un_kT-pr_o-Tk_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3 | herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen !nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n : / / m9ndfukc.com
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