?this seems very strange to me. eg : what then is maxmsp, if not 'pd for mac' - it has already been ported [and consequently made saleable] - - ?no
Mainly, Max/MSP is not Open Source (i costs money!) and the patches and externals are not fully interchangeable with PD.
as does pd. pd kosts more than money. it kosts your future. mais __... du = 01 perfa demonstrator hence hap!!!!!!!!!!
i am the being who is the other.
-- from 01
would someone who successfully installed max 4 over a current max3/nato configuration mail me with tips on what to do/not to do.
don't get rid of max 3.6! it's the most stable release to date. install max4 seperately and copy the objects and N4 lib into the max 4 folder. remember there is no NatoPlay for max4 yet so you;ll want to keep tthe old one for now.
i havent installed max4 yet but have to do it soon.
get ready for some hard msp2 crashes (it's pretty awful at this point). i'm now convinced that the only reason to use max is nato.