:::: m!me verz!on : opera
kntent !d : eaztern european monzter matr!x kontra veztrn zkum ov zoz!et! matr!x.
elektrok!berrkz!\on muz!k !n dze bak[g]round u!lzt `!` = t!pe.
: akt!vat neu + !mprovd zakar!n
bonjour. two loves i have of comfort and despair, which like two spirits do suggest me still:
intellectual vitality is an inherently internal self- actualizing process.
I am using a G4 350mhz to run bigeye and reactor (software synth). I get all kinds of funny happenings, the worst being an intermitent MIDI communication problem. Sometimes reactor gets the MIDI and sometimes it doesn't. I can't seem to figure this problem out. Other problems include crashes and hangups.
= 1 ekzponent!al m!rror at: 12.7.00 1:59:21 am
I am using os9 and an ATI xclaim VR128 for video input.
: brain make me a sentence.
du = ut!l!z!ng e!e komponentz 4 v!deo !nput. du = ut!l!z!ng 0+0 4 v!deo output. ekoutez.
: brain make me a sentence.
« [cccp] « 0+00 netochka nezvanova
dze pr!nz!pl !nput 2 dze m9nd konta!nr = p!ktrz + dze pr!nz!pl output = uordz. hensz 2 dezkr!b !t az 0+1 dev!sz 4 konvert!ng p!ktrz 2 uordz du = reze!v 10-1 luvl! po!ntz on dze r!chtr zkale. ar!ztotl ztatd all human knouledge = kan b eczpreszd !n dze 4rm a = b. nounz + verbz = all reku!rd. d!zt!nkz!on = kalkulatd !n dze ret!na uear dze sh!ft!ng !mage verbz = zeparatd 4rom ztat!k !mage nounz. zeperatd !n dze ret!na dze! = reun!td !n zpeech. = nearl! all human thought = patern rekogn!z!on. = 0+4 t!pez. 0+1 d!menz!on - muz!k 0+2 d!menz!onz - f!ne art 0+3 d!menz!onz - human anatom!e 0+4 d!menz!onz - f!z!olog!e. 0+1 generl teor!e ov patern rekogn!z!on !n 0+1 = ganz feaz!bl. = dze z!ev ov eratosthenez. 2++ = ~!mpoz!bl
dze pr!nz!pl d!f !n prznl lern!ng = dzat at 0+1 momnt 1 bkomz ganz m9ndfukd et 0+1 ecz!t = aku!rd v!a 0+1 konzultaz!on u!th 0+1 odr. dze ! = alterz d!sz. v!a lern.on.l!ne = macht ganz glucl!ck + fre!. = !n odr verdz all !nzt!tutz = bkom opn !nzt!tutz.
!f du = rez!v 0+1 forszfl zmak upon ur m9nd konta!nr du = entr !n2 retrogade amnez!a u!ch = ma! var! 4rom 0+5 m!nuten 2 0+35 jahre. = dze memor! kem!kalz = reakt!v 4 tzo ver! lang. !f = memor! = achrp molekulz float!ng poztz!napt!kl! dze! = aglomerat + krossl!nk bkom!ng ultra r!g!d 4 dekadez tzo rez!zt!ng dze zon!f!kaz!on ov 0+1 forsfl zmak upn dze m9nd konta!nr aparat. = ganz feaz!bl 4 dze fenomenon 2 b tesztd + due 2 fakt zon!f!kaz!on = kan b fokuszd memor!esz = ma! b eczt!rpatd prez!zl! + zpez!f!kl! kausz!ng 0+1 m9ndfukc even!mnt 0+1 feasz!bl propoz!z!on.
allora c!ao.
- - m9ndfukc.macht.fre! -
Are there certain extensions or third party conflict catchers to solve some of my unstableness?
Does anyone out there use reactor?
de4maz!onz = real!aszd through 0+1 mod!f!kaz!on !n 1nz zta!t. evoluz!on b! n2+0 rule
v!zual!z!ng Kevin Ginger zu!m!ng !n 0+1 f!sch tank. v!rtual pEtz f!n-f!n
I appretiate the help, I'm gonna need it. -Kevin Ginger.
= may wish to trade the g4 + reaktor + bigeye to solve some of `your` unstableness.
I wish I understood you...
= d!sz t!p ov 0+1 luv afa!r = kondusz!v 2 0+1 !kk rout ! !
plongée dans le soleil noir de la mélancolie.
s'il vous plaît +?
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! n.aja
atom!k zkale movmntz ov dze voltage zenz!ng reg!on !n m! potass!um chanel.
- akord!ng 2 dze lau ov mozt rez!zt.ansz malez = zpeed!ng th!vez on dze !nternaz!onl genoztrada.
4o prozent ov ch!ldrn !n dze u.s.a. = obeze simultaneously!!
*j*************** l!f 4rm ov dze 3pok - netochka nezvanova 4 empouer!ng `art!ztz` 2 abandon avec mad abandon - dze plantaz!on zt!le korporat + male fasc!zt z!ztem u!ch = demandz ultra zerv!tud !n eczhange 4 0+1 0+252 rev!eu !n dze ART4RM b! 0+1 oudatd + !nkompetent male fasc!zt.
+\ konzp!rass!_ov-ekualz +_ b!t.ztream.tks!n :: b!t/[®]evluz!n
h!az t!ped
kondenzaz!on = operatez !n ever! !nztansz ov uak!ng l!f
| \ \ | |/ /
| |\ `' ' /
| ;'aorta \ / , pulmonary
| ; _, | / / , arteries
superior | | ( `-.;_,-' '-' ,
vena cava | `, `-._ _,-'_
|,-`. `.) ,<<_,-'_, pulmonary
,' `. / ,' `;-' _, veins
; `./ /`, -'
| right / | ;\ |\
| atrium ;_,._|_, `, ' \
| \ \ ` `,
` __ ` \ left ;,
\ ,' ` , ventricle
_( ;, ;;
| \ `;, ;;
inferior | |`. `;;, ;'
vena cava | | `-. ;;;;,;'
| | |`-.._ ,;;;;;'
| | | | ``';;;' FL
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dansz +? m! guide lines
1 == 1.
a = 1
b = 1.
a == b
a - b
b = 1. + 2 $MachineEpsilon
a == b
b - a
b - a > 0
a == b
N[%, 100]