[c]ccp 0+00 irena sabine czubera + netochka nezvanova. memes pre:served kop!eren verboten : : scena 0+9
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 10:41:35 +0200 From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=D8ivind=20Ids=F8?= ezueled@obzolete.gendr.com Subject: Re: [max-msp] Filtering?
Mr Integer:
mod!f!ng konzepz!onz ov g!ftednesz + talent
Your pretentious and minute pseudo-observations
kount!ng korz!bsk! +?
only appear to
ud u l!ke 2
be interesting
kure m!
because of the syntax.
non ar!ztotel!an gene zemant!kx ax!omz
uat +?
as we all know,
unappl!ed holonom!c teor!e +?
! dont knou. ! kount 2. ! dount knou. ! am a doktor. ! kount 2 2.
lesz flu!d +?
! dont knou ! kount. 2 ! dount knou ! am a doktor. ! kount 2 2.
effekt ov z!gnz upon dze uzerz ov z!gnz.
the syntax itself is trivial.
az tr!v!al az dze !nzekt !n dze gardn = !t tr!v!al !zt. pol!tl! 1 ma! add + add + add + add + add + add + add + add + add + add . cezt tout.
lesz flu!d +?
It¥s even more paradoxical
i laugh
that your persistent slogans concerning so-called
korporat fascizm
is surpassed by your very own version of mikrofascism:
you laugh
fasc!zm = neg eksz!ztz !n 01 !nd!v. ma!z = poz!t!vl! kan odru!sz proov. und du +? du = abl 2 +? du != abl 2. i laugh
you laugh at those allegedly beneath your competence
feel dze uarm ox!gen
(or, even better, you presume a level of incompetence of which you know nothing about
arnt ! luvl!
-- I thought
a a a a - vokal em!sz!on error + dzere !n l!ez dze problema - azum!ng du = dze hozt.
b4 = kan atempt 2 meazur
it was supposed to be possible to filter out messages directly from the mailing list server itself; apparently it is not)
feel !t
kauz!ng 1 s!gh ov jo!
and condemn any other
r!g!d def at dze outzet
version of life(style)
dze prozesz ov meazrmnt
than what¥s presumably your own.
If that isn¥t
luvl! +?
aloud 2 reakt upon
mikrofascism incarnated,
luv u
you tell me what is.
500 malez !n 01 b!nar! formaz!e
As Barthes noted:
= prec!z fasc!zm
persistance/resistance can itself become a mythology.
= zur du = u!sh 2 d!zkusz dze zub!ekt +? = ma! rndr u 01 hue ov zkarlet.
! enjo!
You¥re already a God in your own world.
bkausz ov dze ekzper!ensz ga!nd dur!ng dze prozesz
Your non-stop flight to Thrash has been activated.
dze tracez ov dze data + plasz dzem !n 01 br!kolage
Nothing more will be said on the subject.
!t = dze procesz ov no!sz auss!.
/ÿivind/ as competent as they get
pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
tumultuous applause transforms itself into waves of synchronized clapping
an audience [you] expresses appreciation for a good performance by the strength and nature of its applause. the thunder of applause at the start often turns quite suddenly into synchronized clapping. the phenomenon is a delightful expression of social self-organization that provides an example on a human scale of the synchronization processes that occur in numerous natural systems ranging from flashing asian fireflies to oscillating chemical reactions. here we explain the dynamics of this rhythmic applause :
- Netochka Nezvanova demanding _ yet self-deprecating ultra kompetitiv _ yet appreziativ of the work of konglomerates :
in dze werdz ov proust = real without being actual ideal without being abstract
cezt comme ca : http://eusocial.com/nato.0+55+3d/242.055.propaganda.html
pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
Irena Sabine Czubera f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST look@memvirus.com 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e