Visualizar Open Call
There are two ways to participate in Visualizar: - Offering a presentation for the symposium - Presenting a proposals to be carried out at the production workshop Important dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: 15th October 2007 Notification of Acceptance: 20th October 2007 Beginning of the symposium: 12th November 2007
Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: 5h October 2007 Notification of acceptance: 20th October 2007 Beginning of the workshop : 14 November 2007 I. Call for papers
VISUALIZAR symposium Led by: José Luis de Vicente Date: 12th and 13th November 2007 Venue: Medialab, Madrid Download PDF OPEN CALL GUIDELINES Purpose of the call
The purpose of this call is the selection of a maximum of 8 theoretical works about data visualization for their public presentation during the VISUALIZAR symposium. The open call is made to creators, educators and other professionals in the fields of graphic design, art, sociology, education, psychology, information science, environmental studies, biology, mathematics, statistics, scientific visualization, computer analysis, computer science, bio- information technology, physics or any other field where data visualization may be applied or may contribute valuable innovations. Rules for participants
All researchers, artists, teachers, or collectives interested in participating in this symposium must send a summary of their research and a brief curriculum vitae via the following FORM. Proposals may be presented as an individual or as a group. Each participant or team may present as many projects as they wish. Application deadline
The application deadline is 15 October 2007. Selection process
The committee will choose a maximum of 8 proposals. Winners will be announced in late October 2007. Selection committee
It will comprise the research group members, José Luis de Vicente and Medialab. Valuation criteria
Project quality Suitability to the purpose of Visualizar Educational value Public presentation
Selected works will be presented publicly by their authors throughout the symposium, in 20-minute sessions followed by a 10 minute debate. Selected works will also be published on the Medialab website. Travel and lodging aid
Pending application, Medialab will provide lodging in a Youth Hostel for participants residing outside of Madrid and will consider the possibility of covering travel expenses wholly or in part, on a case by case basis. II. Call for projects to be carried out during the production workshop
Advanced project development and production workshop Led by: José Luis de Vicente Teachers: Benjamin Fry, Bestiario and another one to be confirmed Date: 14th - 28th November 2007 Venue: Medialab, Madrid Download PDF
The Medialab programme calls for the presentation of proposals as part of the Visualizar event, to be held in mid-November 2007. OPEN CALL GUIDELINES Purpose of the open call
The purpose of this open call is to choose a maximum of 10 data visualization projects to be developed collaboratively at a two week workshop in November 2007. The selected projects will be developed with the aid of the VISUALIZAR research group, in addition to a large group of assistants and collaborators. The open call is made to creators and professionals in the fields of graphic design, art, sociology, education, psychology, information science, environmental studies, biology, mathematics, statistics, scientific visualization, computer analysis, computer science, bio- information technology, physics or any other field where data visualization may be applied or may contribute valuable innovations. Proposals may be presented by individuals or groups. Each participant or team may present as many projects as they wish. Applicants do not need to possess all the technical knowledge to perform their proposed projects but should present ideas that must be open to the participation of other interested collaborators who may contribute to carrying it out during the workshop. For that reason, there are two ways to participate in the workshop: as the promoter of a project, or as a collaborator on one of the selected projects. In order to facilitate the formation of interdisciplinary work groups, an idea exchange forum will be created where specific knowledge may be offered or requested to carry out each proposal. Once the projects have been selected, a second call will be announced to those persons who wish to take part in the production process of the works. The necessary means to carry out the selected projects will be made available by Medialab Madrid, as far as possible. General workshop information Technical requirements
The jury will make a detailed evaluation of the technical feasibility of carrying out the projects. For that reason, projects with clearly specified technical and spatial requirements will be judged positively. Projects will be carried out and exhibited at the Medialab buildings. Medialab will contribute only the basic equipment and means to produce the selected projects, pending prior application from the proposal’s author(s). Should the jury have doubts about any technical requirements, they will contact the authors of the proposal. Language
The workshop will be held partly in English and partly in Spanish, with no translation. Travel and lodging aid
Pending application, Medialab will provide lodging in a Youth Hostel for participants residing outside of Madrid and will consider the possibility of covering travel expenses wholly or in part, on a case by case basis. Registration:
All those interested in taking part in the workshop must fill in and send this FORM. Application deadline
October 5, 2007 Further information
For further information contact: Final Decision Selection committee
The jury will comprise the research group members, José Luis de Vicente and Medialab. Assessment of the projects
Projects will be judged based on: - Project quality - Suitability to the purpose of Visualizar - Combination of various fields of knowledge - Technical feasibility - Educational value - Synergies with other projects and willingness to collaborate Notification of winners
Winners will be announced on 15 October 2007 and applicants will receive notification by email. Winners’ obligations
The winning individuals or groups agree to attend the workshop and prior seminar in November 2007. They also agree to finish their proposed projects, as far as possible. The winning individuals or groups may use equipment, pending prior application and approval. Any expense not previously planned or approved in material or equipment rental will be paid by the project authors. Projects carried out will be the property of their author(s), although whenever said projects are shown at festivals or exhibits, and whenever images of said projects are reproduced in catalogues or websites, their relation with the Visualizar workshop carried out at Medialab should be mentioned. The names of the people who collaborated in developing the projects should also be shown. Projects exhibited may be shown in printed catalogues and the Medialab and Visualizar websites. Entry constitutes acceptance of all contest rules. Credits
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