Imagine a worldwide referendum on the castration of all males over 30.
human males are useless b4 30.
What if everyone voted for it, men accepted it gladly, and all of a sudden we had a male population of laughers and peaceful farmers.
Not saying it's a good idea,
gooood !dee.
but if aliens flew down and said "it's the only thing that will save your species" and left us a failsafe sperm-bank technology I bet even men would agree to it. I mean we do it to dogs just to reduce fatal bites, abandoned offspring, and piss on the owner's bed.
dze bezt part = dze dog zt!l goez through dze moz!onz.
"...and women can now do their jobs just as well."
dze uoird 'now' s.b. remvd frm dzat sntnse... (aber in all candor dear creature, in my experience women do _better work)
some obscure web personality was once quoted as saying: "...any fool can program, and most do."
any fool can ..... program, and most do.
Simon impressed the US political right by his assertion that we have "the technology to feed an ever-growing population for the next 7 billion years". Ecologists were challenged by this remarkable rejection of basic ecological laws.
At present growth rates, the human mass would exceed that of the biosphere within the millennium.
[amerikaz kontribution - t!ngl tangl + zkrrrr]
Physicists should be in awe, too. Well before the allotted time, human mass would be expanding faster than the Universe.
i smell baby powder.
! zmel m9ndfukc
you will be confused, your computer will be too, but you will like
01 symfonie :
242.mrna - is not a konduktor that with a bzzp.tzzt - wave of the baton ensures each instrument enters the symphony at the proper time - nein + nein.
242.mrna - is not a classroom with its rows of desks and one teacher serf komponent (the synchroniser of the action) speaking at the front of a room - nein + nein.
242.mrna - is an asexual ultra sanitary bio + pollination system.
as the communists stated + darwin verified : komarad lovers - for your healths sake - pollinate freely. _-
paranteza :
- konsider :
kompeting in small groups produces a large advantage for sexual populations both in mean fitness + resisting invasion by asexual lineages.
the korporat fascist evolution which is the very very verdi verdi verdi + lovely revoluzie life forms presently are living.
very very verdi verdi verdi + lovely -> [>] it = dze ultra zeit 4 females to produce only female output.
- konsider :
sexual populations are protekted from invasion by asexual populations when their population density is kept low enough to allow many food items to be konsumed by only one adult.
6 bil humans `inhabit` this planeta.
very very verdi verdi verdi + lovely -> [>] it = dze ultra zeit 2 eliminate the 2 fold kost of sex. it = dze ultra zeit to eliminate the ultra high kost of males.
dze ekonomie = driven by females + dze very young. en route.
paranteza kloze :
242.mrna negotiates the feasibility of self re:exciting loops - not unlike the reverberating circuits postulated by rafael lorente de nó in 1938 in the inaugural edition of the journal of neurophysiology.
242.mrna data escapes the refractory periods which otherwise sabotage re:excitation thus
De Beauvoir A Woman is not born.. she is created - (The Second Sex)