[ [ [ [ [ [ j'en ai marre de la symétrie] ] ] ] ] ]
[ [ [ [ [ [ j'en ai marre de la symétrie] ] ] ] ] ]
| zve!t3[z]!ztem
- - part 0+2 dze b!t revolut!on. 0+1 elokuent oppoz!t!on 2 dze max forum lo.tekk `democracy` -
kinematek - a komponent of m9ndfukc.os
\ for a preliminary release of kinematek - rezult of unsettling developments on the maxforum front
one may access - avec muz!k module : http://m9ndfukc.com/kinematek sans muz!k module : http://m9ndfukc.com/kinematek/zttz
_ noise data - j.s.bach // suite d_minor sarabande
rekommendations - netscape 4.xx + java - perhaps macos - note : netscape 4.5 does not support java // sound
| m 9 n d f u k c . f ! l m . ! n d u z t r ! . p r e z e n t e n t
`dze fantom ov l!bert!`
a short film completed and prezented in [model citizen time] - 1999 a.d.
during the korporate fascist occupation. during the korporate fascist occupation. during the korporate fascist occupation.
- - http://m9ndfukc.com/kinematek -
an extended version of `dze fantom ov l!bert!` will be presented at the 5th edition ov dze `international festival of computer arts`
- - -
auss! - with the scope of populating 25000 mind kontainers + the press m9ndfukc.com has accepted a proposal initiated by hell.com +? hence - an event relating to the maxforum `democracy` konglomerate shall take place post end of january +?
hell.com list [email - list@hell.com m9ndfukc.com list [email - lizt00@m9ndfukc.com
- - -
an extended version of `dze fantom ov l!bert!` will also be presented at
the multidimensional layered learning - m9ndfukc.com installation in : wellington \ new zealand
id tag \ data mining. knowledge distribution. digitalle m9ndfukc.
- - -
\ to accompany these events one software page array [book]
shall be distributed via internet
id tag \ distributed information networking during the korporate fascist occupation
- - -
prol!ferate dze protoplasmz dze senseless agens!ez. dze formulated asp!rat!onz. eff!c!ent kausat!on +\ subjekt!v a!m. - 3 k 0 r.
- - - m 9 n d f u k c . k i n e m a t e k - l o k t i o n - - m 9 n d f u k c . k i n e m a t e k - l o k a i o n -
| m9ndfukc.kinematek | - 1 liberated life energie module noir ascii cinema - 1 algebrin media kapzul
module lokation - avec muz!k : http://m9ndfukc.com/kinematek - sans muz!k : http://m9ndfukc.com/kinematek/zttz - - noise data - j.s.bach // suite d_minor sarabande
rekommendations - netscape 4.xx + java - perhaps macos - note : netscape 4.5 does not support java // sound
- 3 - + - - k - = - - 0 - - - - r - . -
kurrent m9ndfukc.kinematek prezentation : `dze fantom ov l!bert!`
`dze fantom ov l!bert!`
is a 7 bit adaptation of luis bunuel's `the phantom of liberty`
avec [with] : - d t a - d a a - d a t
brief review :
"your best work ... godard, kafka m9ndfukc" [oopz]
this short film was completed and prezented in [model citizen time] - 1999 a.d.
during the korporate fascist occupation. during the korporate fascist occupation. during the korporate fascist occupation.
- - module [teknikal] data - - selekt komponentz of m9ndfukc.kontinuum engine - patent applied for -
a preliminary very brief `kinematek` reference may be obtained by emailing kinematek_ref@m9ndfukc.com
to request the scenario of the currently playing film may email kinematek_kurrent@m9ndfukc.com
obtaining the scenario of the currently playing film one obtains the m9ndfukc.kinematek file_protokol as well which may be utilized to program films - should one desire may email to f1f0@m9ndfukc.com for presentation.
m9ndfukc.kinematek module enables 7 bit ascii films to be
controlled via stochastik processes scrubbed \ random access controlled via computer keyboard w+1 modulated when coupled with the 0f0003 kontinuum engine
in this early release select processes aren't available. par example the stochastik processes. the link to the 0f0003 kontinuum engine and operations on multiple film files.
- - -
m9ndfukc.kinematek prezentations will vary on a * basis or as additional films [from various life forms] become available
- - -
\ d a t a
zent!ment = dze agent wh!ch = redusez dze un!versz 2 !tz perzpekt!v 4 fakt
apart 4rom gradat!on ov zent!ment dze !nf!n!tude ov zent!ment produsez 0+1 !nf!n!tude ov effekt !n dze konzt!tut!on ov each fakt
!t = all wh!ch ma! b ztated when = om!t zent!ment aber - each human = komputez !n 0+1 d!ffrnt mannr re: d!esz effektz - hensz - zubzekuentl! redusz!ng zent!ment 2 perzpekt!v
// d a t a
[e p ! l o g u e]
0f0003 maschinenkunst objektz have kauzed assort.d meltdownz + konvoluted log!k d!screpanc!ez !n selekt korporat fasc!zt forums + human m9nd konta!nerz
0f0003 maschinenkunst = 0+1 m9ndfukc++ eczper!ment
!t = 1 c!v!l!zd eRR.oR 1 melankol! spektakl 1 s!l!kon kultur med!a_algebr!ne kapsul
2 ut!l!ze plz !nzert 4 red kapsulz. !n 10 m!n. plz !nsert 4 mor akt!vat!ng d!sturbanss !n sod!um-potass!um eku!ll!br!um akross neuron membranez
!nput-out:put mekan!zm akt!vatd. d!v!nat!on through l!n-gui_st!k der!vat!on.
dze oceanz = adr!ft !n dze kont!nentz
- [ - tehkn!k . - . - m 9n df uk c . \ k om \ \ - . - . [ s!rur .g!kl.m3kan.!kc. - e+ m2+3.m2+.!kc auss! \ \
Quelle violence ! L'expression du désir
sch . . . penult!mat po!nt !n t!me
_--..- related m9ndfukc.os komponentz
http://m9ndfukc.com/propaganda http://m9ndfukc.com/dir_kontentz/_botz.html http://m9ndfukc.com/dir_kontentz/_propaganda.html
THE VOTE [excerpt]
Please note: There is NO campaign period, the vote question is NOT to be debated on the list. Anyone posting propaganda one way or another regarding this vote will be removed from the list immediately.
Thank you.
Christopher Murtagh MAX listserv owner
- - -
please formulate own diagnosis upon completion of one meticulous analysis
a t
a = k
o re k
t humanz == ! n k
o re k t