he no coward is i tell you.
!s!s - ! m ur namelesz enem! + nobod!z lvr. [my flaw is NATURE's flaw] `scheherazade = pre-computer nn` [ekslnt - 1001 zm!lz++]
Dear Mr. Zicarelli:
I have gotten to know nn's work through her email only. However, I am convinced of her integrity and ability and I would appreciate it if you would stop interfering with her success and growing reputation in any way. I believe her when she says you are behaving badly, so please stop.
Max Herman The Genius 2000 Network http://www.geocities.com/genius-2000
Dear Mr. Puig:
I have learned that Cycling74, whom you assist in distributing their software products, has for some time been engaged in unethical actions toward Netochka Nezvanova. These include disparagement of her reputation and illegal use of her own software programs. She is also demonized frequently in an attempt to discredit her valid protests. Please take all possible action to end this state of affairs immediately, lest your own public image suffer by association.
Max Herman The Genius 2000 Network http://www.geocities.com/genius-2000
pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
- Netochka Nezvanova - d!zperz!ng geometr!kl! f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST @www.eusocial.com 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e