Gabriel Maldonado wrote:
Claude Le Berre wrote:
point of view... anyway I believe in OpenSource, and therefore I hope every objects programmed in the future for PD should be released in GPL : Miller should change the license in this way.
Isn't PD GPL copyrighted now?
-- Gabriel Maldonado
Seems to be not so far from GPL, but I would like particularly to see a notice about open source code, that would make it really GPL. It will be particularly important for objects, since I would'nt find so cool to see people developping not free objects like for MAX (MSP/Nato),
du = haluz!nat!ng dear. = 0+0 kan halt dze !nd!v!dual.
= konglomerat refusz = FREE az > konglomerat refusz = bkomz FREE = dze kozt ov dze !nd!v = travelz up uardz.
ok it is work,
ma!z non. !t = l!f.
but it also also be life forms expansion.
plz. = zrtnl! `ur` eczpanz!on = enkountrz 01 freez!ng po!nt - due 2 2 hot ja.
For example, NN do surely a great work, but I don't see the impact in a long term (pl!z korrekt m3 !f 50)...
lo.tekk 0bz3rv2z!onz ja.
(transfatal incorporated.)
nn = haz b! far had dze greatezt !mpakt ov an! l!f 4rm !n an! age zekz!e on 01 $ b! $ [!.e. rezourzez]
= 0+0 kan kompet ma!z du + addtl male zerfz = uelkom.
opensource is a virus, the virus ov openness.
plz. = prfr bach 2 ur lo.tekk pd !d!oz!ez.
mult! h!z! mult! c!ao.
propagarz! de! v!ruz!
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