teo spiller teo.spiller@rzs-hm.si
a (bad) translation of an interview in Dnevnik, Ljubljana, Slovenia, with Andrej Kurnik:
"Attack on the symbols of economic & millitary power of USA is no dubt an unreasonable terroristic act, that ended many human lifes and changed life of American citisens in a nightmare. But this attack is not a beginning of a new war, as world media tryes to convince us. This attack is just one of tragical episodes of the new war, that rules the world after the fall of the Berlin wall. From the gulf war to this attack, the whole world tremble in fear of terroristic attacks, that always causes retaliatory measures and as the answer new "retaliatory" measures. It's terrible, that is this play of terror constitutive to the new world order, also called "The Empire". His most important defenders has the dynamics of this planet long ago subject to the big war between two worlds. One is "civilised", "democratic", the other "barbarous" and usually "Islamic". The media reaction to the attack seems as unreasonable as the attack by itself. Proclaiming necessity of revenge, war against international terrorism, security as the most valuable value, is trying to subject every individual in the teritory of so called "civilised" world to the "holly war". This means the beginning of searching for inner and outer enemise and terrorists and endly is everybody proclaimed as one of them, if he does not share his oppinion with current authority. The American people are at the big test: are they able to reflect the background of the horror or will they yield to wish to revenge and begin the "hunt on witches". Than we must know, there is no place for love, creativity or freedom in the atmosphere of war, fear and revenge. That's why we must resist to all them, who produces and use this kind of tragedies to maximize their own profits, no matter if they are economic, political or ideological."