the same old story, you remember, processing a movie frame by frame, as i find it much easier to work in max/nato than fcp or premiere or whatnot, i am trying to do everything with one tool (questionable, I know, but this is the way i like to work),
in accord with en fakt - do not regard max \ nato.0+55 as 1 tool.
1 recent personal experience has been konstrukting the 0001 film for nato.0+55 modular `assistance patch`. had been desirous of ~precise. parallel placement of data. considered adobe premiere as most adequate.
post 01 hour of opening + closing windows - rezultat was 1 littering of the komputer's hard drive with several versions which were all unpleasant.
subsequently utilized nato.0+55 non-modular. 3 min + zttz + elegant.
opinie = due to
animal communication is typically non-syntactic which means that signals refer to whole situations. human language is syntactic and signals consist of discrete components that have their own meaning. syntax is a prerequisite for taking advantage of combinatorics - that is - making infinite use of finite means
the vast expressive power of human language would be impossible without syntax and the transition from non-syntactic to syntactic communication was an essential step in the evolution of human language.
the uniqueness of language has been compared to that of the elephant's trunk. human language is as different from other animals' communication as the elephant's trunk (a most complex organ that consists of about 6,000 individual muscles and that can perform an unparalleled variety of mechanical tasks) is from other animals' nostrils.
other animal communication is based on three basic designs: a finite repertoire of calls (territorial calls or warning of predators); a continuous analogue signal (for example the dance of bees); and a series of random variations on a theme (such as the song of birds).
all natural non-human communication appears to be non-syntactic; some caution however seems appropriate as the final verdict on complex vocalization patterns of certain primate species or dolphins has not been reached. in contrast human language is clearly syntactic: messages consist of components that have their own meaning.
non-syntactic communication uses words for events whereas syntactic communication uses words for objects and actions.
expensive - in syntactic communication all words have to be learned but syntactic signals enable the formulation of `new` sentences that have not been learned beforehand.
thus the transition from non-syntactic to syntactic communication was likely due to an increase in the number of relevant events that could be referred to.
syntactic messages can encode new ideas or refer to extremely rare but important events.
---- the increase in the number of relevant communication topics was caused by changes in the social structure and interaction of those human ancestors who evolved syntactic communication.
- - -
learning max one learns a language. a prerequisite for taking advantage of combinatorics that is - making infinite use of finite means.
one may translate further as desired. the initial connection enables the bifurcation. what constitutes the max lexicon +?
premiere. after effects. imagine etc etc are non-syntactic.
max + similar langs. e.g. pd authored by miller puckette - who initially has authored max as well evidament - is syntactic.
it is unfortunate one other than cycling74 etc must aktivate the parallels - whilst cycling74 etc propaganda indicates 0+0 - ultra defekt _ ultra perplexing.
although not overly so. dreaming = expensive.
+ the dreaming facilitated by konglomerates is pathetique.
= kapitalists are terrible kapitalists. would certainly dis.employ \ free all konglomerate employees - so as to increase dreaming efficiency evidament.
so i would like to have a possibility to process things in real-time and non-real-time, nato can do it, there are just some little glitches here and there that make it harder (you remember the thing with 242.rekord, which, according to me, misses an possibility to determine when it is done with compressing and writing the frame to disk)
you have likely noticed the nato*rendo patch - programmed by "Ivan Govan" xampl@hotmail.com inkluded below as well. it isn't utilizing 242.rekord however.
aware of what you are desirous of accomplishing and the routines will become available via addtl objekts. addtl objekts - for the performance of current objekts - particularly 242.film would suffer.
i really love the real-time performance of nato, i also think that it is done in a very clever way,
yes \ perhaps \ maybe \ zuri
and there are all the features to do non-real-time stuff as well (switching objects on and off, triggering image output),
it has ~deviated during development.
- had been hesitant of committing to one particular implementation. as operate alone. unable \ not desirous of dedicating entire life energy towards nato.0+55 - it would be unhealthy for several reasons.
overall however of opinion - the rate of development is unsurpassed by any conglomerate non +?
there are several komponents which have not yet been konstrukted \ released. one may konsider waiting + tak.
and a mixture of the two, whatever we want to call this - it's too bad that you are not as much interested in this side of your tool, as you mentioned last time we conversed about these issues
nato.0+55.modular is utilized by what essentially are 2 [fuzzi] groups - 1 realtime \ [live] performance oriented. - 2 realtime - non realtime
for the most part personally lokate self in the 2nd. thus one may safely konklude non-real time does interest me.
addtl data = very much in progress. addtl data shall likely place nato.0+55.modular in the kategory.
am not suggesting the cost of nato.0+55.modular shall escalate to $2000+.
aussi - as before : nato.0+55 = 1 investment opportunity. data is more accessible to those who have and thus 2 1 extent facilitated the data - via queries. patches. info.data. recommendations. kompliments. gifts. $$. etc.
if desired one may kontrast it with the `intelligence` of konglomerat upgrades + formulate 01 diagnosis.
- - -
From: "Ivan Govan" xampl@hotmail.com Subject: NATO*Rendo
Here's a patch I wrote using the film and buffer objects to render each frame of a movie that has time consuming processes attached to it. Probably the least realtime thing I've ever made, but handy cause it allows me to use pre-Nato'd movies in full motion. ....... To use, read in a movie. After a few seconds it should report back the # of frames, fps and such. If it doesn't, just hit the "movie info" button. Process the whole movie or just part of it by moving the slider and hitting the in and out buttons to select points. Adjust "the per frame" time to adjust the render time for each frame. Depending on what processes and machine you are using, you might want to set it to 2 sec or so. Hit "process" and wait. (kinda feels like AE ;-)
max v2; #N vpatcher 165 169 634 557; #P hidden message -68 253 20 196617 10; #P hidden button -68 234 15 0; #P hidden flonum -68 185 58 9 0 0 0 3; #P hidden newex -145 141 87 196617 if $f1< 100 then $f1 else out2 $f1; #P hidden flonum -145 185 64 9 0 0 0 3; #P hidden message 368 -164 14 196617 1; #N vpatcher 40 56 233 365; #P number 84 172 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P outlet 47 197 15 0; #P inlet 45 21 15 0; #P flonum 46 172 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 46 150 32 196617 / 10.; #P number 46 129 72 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 46 107 27 196617 + 5; #P number 46 86 76 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 46 64 33 196617 * 10.; #P flonum 46 45 64 9 0 0 0 3; #P connect 7 0 0 0; #P connect 0 0 1 0; #P connect 1 0 2 0; #P hidden connect 2 0 3 0; #P connect 3 0 4 0; #P connect 4 0 5 0; #P connect 5 0 6 0; #P connect 9 0 8 0; #P connect 5 0 9 0; #P pop; #P hidden newobj 39 -32 95 196617 patcher floatfixer3; #N vpatcher 40 55 242 359; #P number 113 171 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P outlet 47 197 15 0; #P inlet 45 21 15 0; #P flonum 46 172 55 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 46 150 32 196617 / 10.; #P number 46 129 72 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 46 107 27 196617 + 5; #P number 46 86 76 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 46 64 33 196617 * 10.; #P flonum 46 45 64 9 0 0 0 3; #P connect 7 0 0 0; #P connect 0 0 1 0; #P connect 1 0 2 0; #P connect 2 0 3 0; #P connect 3 0 4 0; #P connect 4 0 5 0; #P connect 5 0 6 0; #P connect 9 0 8 0; #P connect 5 0 9 0; #P pop; #P hidden newobj 155 -32 95 196617 patcher floatfixer2; #N vpatcher 40 55 219 407; #P number 46 151 47 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 46 129 29 196617 / 10; #P outlet 47 220 15 0; #P inlet 45 1 15 0; #P flonum 46 195 77 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 46 173 38 196617 / 100.; #P number 46 109 72 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 46 87 27 196617 + 1; #P number 46 66 76 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 46 44 55 196617 * 1000.; #P flonum 46 25 64 9 0 0 0 3; #P connect 7 0 0 0; #P connect 0 0 1 0; #P connect 1 0 2 0; #P hidden connect 2 0 3 0; #P connect 3 0 4 0; #P connect 4 0 9 0; #P connect 9 0 10 0; #P connect 10 0 5 0; #P connect 5 0 6 0; #P connect 6 0 8 0; #P pop; #P hidden newobj -145 213 95 196617 patcher floatfixer1; #P flonum 102 31 46 9 0 0 0 3; #P flonum 65 31 36 9 0 0 0 3; #P flonum 149 31 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P hidden newex -51 -77 35 196617 select; #P hidden button 412 56 15 0; #P hidden message 428 55 60 196617 capture 1 0; #P hidden newex -26 -56 45 196617 pipe 100; #P hidden newex 416 -27 44 196617 select 0; #P hidden newex -51 -98 52 196617 trigger i i; #P number 17 146 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P hidden newex 413 -48 27 196617 -; #P hidden button 177 -153 15 0; #P hidden newex 195 -153 27 196617 -; #P hidden number -97 -169 29 9 0 0 0 3; #P hidden number -51 -193 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P comment 33 282 41 196617 frame#; #P hidden message -107 97 14 196617 0; #P hidden message -96 -150 39 196617 min $1; #P hidden newex -66 335 27 196617 int; #P number 82 299 58 9 0 0 0 3; #P hidden button -66 318 15 0; #P message 82 282 22 196617 out; #P hidden button -109 318 15 0; #P number 17 299 58 9 0 0 0 3; #P message 17 282 16 196617 in; #P hidden newex -109 335 27 196617 int; #P hidden newex -82 295 32 196617 / 1.; #P message 185 31 55 196617 movie info; #P hidden newex -107 75 55 196617 trigger b b; #P hidden button -107 31 15 0; #P hidden newex -107 50 59 196617 delay 5000; #P number 382 340 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P message 310 340 54 196617 fps.set $1; #P hidden button 287 -114 15 0; #P hidden message -63 97 48 196617 fps.get 1; #P hidden newex 474 320 95 196617 prepend codectype2; #P hidden message 388 -165 14 196617 0; #P hidden toggle 160 369 15 0; #P hidden newex 176 369 27 196617 gate; #P button 143 348 15 0; #P newex 159 347 112 196617 242.ekran 0 0 320 240; #P hidden message 246 -60 14 196617 1; #P hidden newex 244 -83 48 196617 bangbang; #P message 245 31 43 196617 process; #P user led 290 31 17 17 2 150; #P hidden newex -34 244 27 196617 + 1; #P hidden newex -51 -171 27 196617 + 1; #P hidden message 445 264 47 196617 size $1; #P user IncDec 427 264 15 15 0 0; #P user hslider 310 264 15 100 15 1 1 0; #P comment 343 146 63 196617 buffer output; #P comment 191 147 62 196617 post-effects; #P user 242.ekran04 310 162 132 102 1; #P user 242.ekran04 159 161 132 102 1; #P hidden message 407 -165 14 196617 3; #P hidden newex 310 -161 35 196617 * 500; #P hidden newex 310 -181 27 196617 + 1; #P user umenu 309 31 49 196645 1 64 47; #X add 0.5 sec; #X add 1. sec; #X add 1.5 sec; #X add 2. sec; #X add 2.5 sec; #X add 3. sec; #P user umenu 360 31 52 196645 2 64 47; #X add finished; #X add running; #X add idle; #P hidden newex 424 -189 45 196617 loadbang; #P hidden message -51 -55 14 196617 0; #P number 413 31 35 9 0 0 1 3; #P hidden newex 36 -59 32 196617 / 1.; #P hidden message -38 12 14 196617 0; #P hidden number -23 13 30 9 0 0 0 3; #P user IncDec 400 282 15 15 0 0; #P message 310 57 49 196617 delete -1; #P hidden button -51 -21 15 0; #P hidden message 282 -60 32 196617 reset; #P hidden button 98 -59 15 0; #P hidden message 115 -59 35 196617 600.; #P hidden newex 155 -59 32 196617 / 1.; #P hidden button -2 -151 15 0; #P hidden newex 287 -139 62 196617 metro 1000; #P hidden message -51 -150 42 196617 max $1; #P number 17 31 47 9 0 0 0 3; #P hidden newex -23 31 30 196617 * 40; #P hidden newex -51 -126 81 196617 counter 0 0 200; #P user IncDec 276 264 15 15 0 0; #P hidden newex 249 284 27 196617 + 1; #P toggle 159 282 15 0; #P hidden newex 244 304 35 196617 gate 2; #N vpatcher 98 273 314 585; #N comlet Video Input; #P inlet -21 -29 15 0; #N comlet dna3 enable; #P inlet 14 -29 15 0; #P message 14 223 55 196617 dphlekt $1; #P user umenu 96 223 70 196645 1 64 239; #X add 0-Xerror; #X add 1-Yerror; #P message 14 203 38 196617 dna $1; #P user umenu 96 203 70 196645 1 64 219; #X add 0-mirror; #X add 1-no mirror; #P message 88 37 14 196617 3; #P message 71 37 14 196617 1; #P number 96 243 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P message 14 243 55 196617 divisor $1; #P message 14 182 45 196617 mode $1; #P user umenu 96 182 70 196645 1 64 198; #X add 0-prev; #X add 1-orig; #X add 2-replace; #P message 14 162 65 196617 wavetype $1; #P user umenu 96 162 70 196645 1 64 178; #X add 0-sine; #X add 1-square; #X add 2-triangle; #P message 14 142 51 196617 invert $1; #P user umenu 96 142 70 196645 1 64 158; #X add 0-invert both; #X add 1-invert x; #X add 2-invert y; #P button -10 272 23 0; #P comment 133 123 63 196617 Ywavelength; #P message 14 123 80 196617 ywavelength $1; #P number 96 123 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P comment 133 103 63 196617 Xwavelength; #P message 14 103 80 196617 xwavelength $1; #P number 96 103 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P comment 133 84 63 196617 Yamplitude; #P comment 133 65 58 196617 Xamplitude; #P user umenu 14 37 55 196645 1 64 53; #X add 0 - off; #X add 1 - on; #X add 2 - freeze; #X add 3 - bypass; #P newex 14 272 50 196617 242.dna3; #P message 14 65 72 196617 xamplitude $1; #P number 96 65 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P message 14 84 72 196617 yamplitude $1; #P number 96 84 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P comment 14 21 155 196617 kapitulieren werden wir nicht +?; #P comment 14 3 100 196620 242.dna3; #N comlet Video Output; #P outlet 14 329 15 0; #P hidden connect 26 0 8 0; #P hidden connect 27 0 8 0; #P hidden connect 32 0 8 0; #P hidden connect 5 0 6 0; #P hidden connect 3 0 4 0; #P hidden connect 11 0 12 0; #P hidden connect 14 0 15 0; #P hidden connect 18 0 19 0; #P hidden connect 20 0 21 0; #P hidden connect 22 0 23 0; #P hidden connect 28 0 29 0; #P hidden connect 30 0 31 0; #P hidden connect 25 0 24 0; #P hidden connect 24 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 23 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 21 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 17 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 15 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 12 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 6 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 4 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 8 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 19 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 29 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 31 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 33 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 7 0 0 0; #P pop; #P newobj 159 299 65 196617 patcher dna3; #N vpatcher 329 448 540 589; #N comlet bypass; #P inlet 14 -24 15 0; #N comlet Video Output; #P outlet -12 171 15 0; #N comlet Video Input; #P inlet -12 -24 15 0; #P button 27 94 23 0; #P user umenu 11 43 58 196645 1 64 59; #X add 0-prewitt; #X add 1-roberts; #X add 2-sobel; #X add 3-laplace; #X add 4-frei chen; #P user umenu 72 43 58 196645 1 64 59; #X add 0-prewitt; #X add 1-roberts; #X add 2-sobel; #X add 3-laplace; #X add 4-frei chen; #P user umenu 135 43 58 196645 1 64 59; #X add 0-prewitt; #X add 1-roberts; #X add 2-sobel; #X add 3-laplace; #X add 4-frei chen; #P comment 135 29 55 196617 matrix; #P comment 72 29 51 196617 Vmatrix; #P message 66 8 14 196617 1; #P message 82 8 14 196617 3; #P user umenu 10 8 55 196645 1 64 24; #X add 0 - off; #X add 1 - on; #X add 2 - freeze; #X add 3 - bypass; #P message 135 61 54 196617 matrix $1; #P message 72 61 60 196617 vmatrix $1; #P message 11 61 59 196617 hmatrix $1; #P newex 53 97 49 196617 242.edge; #P comment 11 29 51 196617 Hmatrix; #P hidden connect 1 0 15 0; #P hidden connect 7 0 5 0; #P hidden connect 6 0 5 0; #P hidden connect 16 0 5 0; #P connect 12 0 2 0; #P hidden connect 13 0 1 0; #P hidden connect 5 0 1 0; #P hidden connect 2 0 1 0; #P hidden connect 3 0 1 0; #P hidden connect 4 0 1 0; #P hidden connect 14 0 1 0; #P connect 11 0 3 0; #P connect 10 0 4 0; #P pop; #P newobj 159 319 65 196617 patcher Edge; #P user 242.ekran04 17 161 132 102 1; #P message 310 301 70 196617 film.save $1; #P user umenu 382 301 67 196645 1 64 317; #X add save dialog; #X add no save dialog; #P number 363 282 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P message 310 282 51 196617 output $1; #P number 363 78 35 9 0 0 1 3; #P message 310 78 51 196617 max $1; #P hidden message 571 320 53 196617 codecq $1; #P user umenu 382 320 67 196645 1 64 336; #X add high quality; #X add min quality; #X add low quality; #X add norm quality; #X add high quality; #X add max quality; #P hidden newex 474 301 91 196617 prepend codectype; #P hidden message 425 -165 48 196617 codeclist; #P message 310 97 51 196617 count; #P user umenu 310 320 70 196647 1 64 336; #X add Animation; #X add BMP; #X add Cinepak; #X add ëComponent Videoí; #X add ëDV - NTSCí; #X add ëDV - PALí; #X add Graphics; #X add H.261; #X add H.263; #X add ëIntel IndeoÆ Video R3.2í; #X add ëIntel Rawí; #X add ëMotion JPEG Aí; #X add ëMotion JPEG Bí; #X add None; #X add ëPhoto - JPEGí; #X add ëPlanar RGBí; #X add PNG; #X add ëSorenson Videoí; #X add TGA; #X add TIFF; #X add Video; #P number 363 97 35 9 0 0 0 3; #P newex 310 119 55 196617 242.buffer; #P user hslider 17 264 15 242 481 1 0 0; #P hidden message -33 264 47 196617 size $1; #P message 17 78 67 196617 time.set $1; #P number 86 78 54 9 0 0 0 3; #P number 211 78 33 9 0 0 160 3; #P hidden newex -146 118 122 196617 route 1 2 3 4 14 15 18 8; #P message 17 57 37 196617 read 0; #P number 211 97 33 9 0 10 3 3; #P message 143 97 65 196617 film.set $1; #P message 143 78 65 196617 film.count; #P message 97 57 43 196617 dispose; #P message 211 57 33 196617 pause; #P message 181 57 27 196617 stop; #P message 143 57 35 196617 start; #P message 57 57 37 196617 read 1; #P newex 17 119 130 196617 242.film; #P comment 154 18 22 196617 fps; #P hidden comment -9 -165 33 196617 reset; #P comment 60 7 42 196617 sample duration; #P comment 103 8 37 196617 # of frames; #P comment 360 57 47 196617 clear all; #P number 86 97 54 9 0 0 0 3; #P message 17 97 67 196617 length; #P comment 54 147 59 196617 pre-effects; #P comment 308 18 49 196617 per frame; #P comment 367 18 40 196617 status; #P comment 410 18 40 196617 frame#; #P comment 16 18 45 196617 qt frame; #P comment 176 282 67 196617 0-noFX , 1-FX; #P comment 104 282 41 196617 frame#; #P hidden connect 14 1 24 0; #P hidden connect 24 7 134 0; #P hidden connect 134 0 133 0; #P hidden connect 133 0 129 0; #P hidden connect 104 0 106 0; #P hidden connect 106 0 103 0; #P hidden connect 15 0 99 0; #P hidden connect 23 0 99 0; #P hidden connect 99 0 98 0; #P hidden connect 101 0 100 0; #P hidden connect 98 0 100 0; #P hidden connect 100 0 112 0; #P hidden connect 105 0 115 0; #P hidden connect 115 0 111 0; #P hidden connect 102 0 103 1; #P hidden connect 26 0 102 0; #P hidden connect 134 1 135 0; #P hidden connect 135 0 136 0; #P hidden connect 136 0 137 0; #P hidden connect 107 0 108 0; #P hidden connect 108 0 110 0; #P hidden connect 100 1 94 0; #P hidden connect 127 0 102 1; #P hidden connect 109 0 114 0; #P hidden connect 114 0 82 0; #P hidden connect 82 0 54 0; #P hidden connect 54 0 51 0; #P hidden connect 95 0 51 0; #P hidden connect 111 0 51 0; #P hidden connect 51 0 120 0; #P hidden connect 120 0 125 0; #P hidden connect 125 0 68 0; #P hidden connect 60 0 61 0; #P hidden connect 102 0 110 1; #P hidden connect 61 0 65 0; #P hidden connect 8 0 83 0; #P hidden connect 83 0 28 0; #P hidden connect 82 0 125 1; #P hidden connect 125 1 122 0; #P hidden connect 122 0 64 0; #P hidden connect 65 0 64 0; #P hidden connect 64 0 52 0; #P hidden connect 56 0 51 2; #P hidden connect 127 0 52 1; #P hidden connect 61 0 56 0; #P hidden connect 52 0 53 0; #P hidden connect 26 0 27 0; #P hidden connect 100 0 7 0; #P hidden connect 23 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 15 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 19 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 18 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 17 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 16 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 20 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 21 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 27 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 7 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 94 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 102 0 119 0; #P hidden connect 14 0 44 0; #P hidden connect 28 0 29 0; #P hidden connect 53 0 29 0; #P hidden connect 50 0 29 0; #P hidden connect 103 0 105 0; #P hidden connect 112 0 105 0; #P hidden connect 8 0 66 0; #P hidden connect 66 0 131 0; #P hidden connect 127 0 66 1; #P hidden connect 130 0 127 0; #P hidden connect 110 0 109 0; #P hidden connect 128 0 109 0; #P hidden connect 29 0 26 0; #P hidden connect 24 1 8 0; #P hidden connect 126 0 59 0; #P hidden connect 131 0 128 0; #P hidden connect 59 0 58 0; #P hidden connect 100 0 20 0; #P hidden connect 22 0 21 0; #P hidden connect 129 0 126 0; #P hidden connect 137 0 126 0; #P hidden connect 58 0 57 0; #P hidden connect 57 0 130 0; #P hidden connect 45 0 75 0; #P hidden connect 92 0 48 0; #P hidden connect 68 0 48 0; #P hidden connect 47 1 46 0; #P connect 46 0 45 0; #P hidden connect 89 0 88 0; #P hidden connect 90 0 88 0; #P hidden connect 89 0 91 0; #P hidden connect 91 0 90 0; #P hidden connect 115 0 117 0; #P hidden connect 126 0 57 1; #P hidden connect 30 0 90 1; #P hidden connect 45 0 90 1; #P hidden connect 117 0 116 0; #P hidden connect 82 0 116 0; #P hidden connect 24 4 25 0; #P hidden connect 115 0 116 1; #P hidden connect 132 0 46 1; #P hidden connect 132 0 45 1; #P hidden connect 85 0 86 0; #P hidden connect 49 0 47 0; #P hidden connect 86 0 87 0; #P hidden connect 48 0 49 0; #P hidden connect 14 0 47 1; #P hidden connect 29 0 50 0; #P hidden connect 86 1 60 0; #P hidden connect 84 0 55 0; #P hidden connect 55 0 95 0; #P hidden connect 87 0 84 0; #P hidden connect 68 0 84 0; #P hidden connect 92 0 71 0; #P hidden connect 71 0 72 0; #P hidden connect 72 0 73 0; #P hidden connect 61 0 62 0; #P hidden connect 39 0 38 0; #P hidden connect 123 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 62 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 38 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 43 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 40 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 37 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 35 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 33 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 93 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 96 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 47 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 45 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 34 0 30 0; #P hidden connect 30 0 76 0; #P hidden connect 80 0 79 0; #P hidden connect 81 0 79 0; #P hidden connect 41 0 40 0; #P hidden connect 42 0 43 0; #P hidden connect 30 3 32 0; #P hidden connect 97 0 96 0; #P hidden connect 73 0 55 1; #P hidden connect 84 0 70 0; #P hidden connect 116 0 39 0; #P hidden connect 30 1 31 0; #P hidden connect 79 0 41 0; #P hidden connect 63 0 41 0; #P hidden connect 69 0 132 0; #P hidden connect 69 0 92 0; #P hidden connect 41 0 63 0; #P hidden connect 69 0 74 0; #P hidden connect 67 0 124 0; #P hidden connect 120 1 118 0; #P hidden connect 121 1 67 0; #P hidden connect 118 0 121 0; #P hidden connect 69 0 34 0; #P hidden connect 79 0 80 0; #P hidden connect 124 0 123 0; #P hidden connect 115 0 118 1; #P hidden connect 39 0 81 0; #P hidden connect 32 0 93 0; #P hidden connect 36 0 37 0; #P pop;
m9ndfukc.macht.fre! +? `dreaming efficiency evidament` - http://m9ndfukc.com/b96c99/zekuensz/34.gif.hTmL
- sol.la.la.