Hi, I am woking on 2 specific problem, maybe you have an answer in your portfolio:
- I need to connect ReBirth (either via rewire or
sound manager) to nato, so that I can use it via rna. (mixing multiple sources) and output it via dac/ASIO to a layla soundcard. All the max4/msp2 objects either crashing
`made in america` quality kontrol = yes pl!!!!!sz
or are of poor quality (I use it in a studio, so I need clean quality. ) Anything I can use in conjunction wih RNA?
rebirth would have to support NATO>RNA propellerheads would have to license NATO>RNA
given that NATO>RNA somewhat [have not yet launched a kampaign] kompetes \ renders rewire null [would require industry support biensur - nn smiles]
it may be unlikely.
may ask them if you wish. have not yet decided re:saturating the bitstream with NATO>RNA
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