Hi all,
Let's use the PD off topic mailing list while there is no Arduino mailing list... An Arduino mailing list is a necessity.
Also, I am thinking on writing a generic Makefile for compiling and uploading. I didn't read the source code yet, but it must be done with the following commands : gcc-avr g++-avr avr-libc uisp. The Gem makefile is a good inspiration for compiling all the files and linking them together matching a pattern. The extension of an Arduino code file should be .c, not .pde as I have seen in some places. No?
Let's boycott Java. If a GUI was to be made for such a software, something light and portable like tkinter on Python should be used. (Tk, again...) An example of a nice GUI in tkinter is E-sonoclaste (google it). Java behaves very strangely on Linux and they still didn't free it. Python rocks.
Alexandre ======
On 9/9/06, B. Bogart ben@ekran.org wrote:
I've CCed David Cuartielles here so that he can see we need an arduino mailinglist! I guess types like us don't enjoy the "forums" much. not very good for discussion, better for question->answer.
A whole GPL IDE for Arduino would be be great, but probably a lot of effort, unless someone is highly inclined to put in the work it'll probably not happen.
I suggest a few simple scripts on linux as a starting point. Something like:
arduino_upload firmware.hex arduino_compile firmware.c
Maybe these two could be combined into a "compile and upload" thing.
The arduino IDE is working very poorly on my etch machine, but processing seems to work ok.. no graphics freezes (yet) anyhow.
The IDE is big enough that I could not exactly figure out what commands for uisp (for uploading) and for avr-g++ compiling/linking are used.
A quick script would be easy as cake once we get that info, maybe David can lay it out on us... I will not have a chance to read through the IDE code anytime soon, but for anyone who wants looking for uisp and avr-g++ should find the appropriate sections.
Please let us have an Arduino mailing list, the PD list is "cloudy" enough.
juto aviten wrote:
Hi, I am using arduino since few weeks now and find it useful with my PD patch, a good controller, very helpul...etc
We made some workshop on it : http://www.apo33.org/ecos-site/doku.php?id=les_participants#ping_nantes_fr
and we got a lot of problem with the arduino java editor for many reason and on all the platforms... so we discussed about working on an open editor to load the firmware... we actual work on to see what's possible...
but I would to ask you guys, why people from arduino use java for an open hardware? java is still proprietary and have a lot of restriction, and cause a lot of problem on many platform? why they didn't developp an open editor for an open hardware... there is something here that is not logical... maybe some of you have their ideas on the question...
well if there is some people that have some ideas about some open editor to code & load firmware to arduino, any help are welcome... we will communicate here if we find something useful...
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
On Sat, 9 Sep 2006, Alexandre Quessy wrote:
Let's boycott Java. If a GUI was to be made for such a software, something light and portable like tkinter on Python should be used. (Tk, again...) An example of a nice GUI in tkinter is E-sonoclaste (google it). Java behaves very strangely on Linux and they still didn't free it. Python rocks.
What's missing for making that GUI compile with GCJ ? (I ask this but I know nothing about GCJ, just that it's a GNU program)
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada