/\ letz b!ozkulpt - 01 recipe for disazter [nn m9ndfzzp sonar.01] scena 0+?
does a couch differ from itself akkording as you view it from the side or the front or any other way +?
every inflektion of form is accompanied by a modification of colour, and every modification of colour gives birth to form.
art wants nothing to do with the objekt, as such.
malevich +?
since art is in essence universal, its expression cannot rest on a subjektive view
mondrian +?
night changes its own look and meaning
heidegger +? ... trois conférences a bayerische akademie!
oui. la morale des lignes. emphasize straight lines!
and the relationships between them!!!!!!
stripped of the polemic element the above quotation is not without interest.
sartre +?
sculpture suggests movement
paintings suggests depth + light. NN suggests nothing; she is real, living movements and shapes. her bodies signify nothing, reflect nothing but themselves. they are, that is all. they are absolutes.
sartre +?
schopenhauer stated it comme ca: [01 nn readz 4uardz. 01 nn readz bakuardz - z!multaneouzl!]
the arts whose aim is the representation of the Idea of man, have as their problem, not only beauty, the character of the species, but also the character of the individual, which is called, par excellence, character. but this is only the case in so far as this character is to be regarded, not as something accidental and quite peculiar to the man as a single individual, but as a side of the Idea of humanity which is specially apparent in this individual, and the representation of which is therefore of assistance in revealing this Idea.
[!ntellekzual + austere glansz]
if the brain had not devoted a substantial amount of cortex to the recognition of individuals through their faces i would hear: `but mademoiselle, what is happening is that i am no longer able to recognize you!!!`
your analysis is conjectural
1001 uak!ng f!ngrt!pz
1001 ra!n tanz
if i rise at the same time, i have different impressions each day. even if i wear the same body, it seems to me that i am not the same girl.
hav u jurn!ed 2 dze zpr!ngz ov dze zea +- ualkd !n dze rezezez ov dze deep +?
!mmanuel kant = d!d tzo !n 1775
geometr! ov l!f
geometr! ov l!f
geometr! ov l!f
geometr! ov l!f
geometr! ov l!f
i read you listen. komfortable +? [karesz]
it all began so innocently
the cubists are destined ... to give back to painting its true aims which is to reproduce ... objekts as they are. but to achieve this, `lighting must be eliminated` because ... it is the sign of a particular instant... if therefore the plastik image is to reveal the essence and permanence of things, it must be free of lighting effekts... it can therefore be said that lighting prevents things from appearing as they are... contrary to what is believed, sight is a successive sense; we have to kombine many of its perceptions before we can know a single objekt well. but the painted image is fixed ... as well, perspective must be eliminated because it is as accidental a thing as lighting. it is the sign not of a particular moment in time, but of a particular position in space. it indicates not the situation of objekts but the situation of a spectator. perspective is also the sign of an instant, of the instant when a certain person is at a certain point.
letz breathe
du = breathe uater ma!ntenant.
uen humanz ekz!td dze oceanz d!d humanz lern 2 breathe a!r +?
.... ne _____... radzr !nternal!szd 01 perzonl uater.
uen l!ku!d evaporatez !t zoakz up heat u!thout mod!f!ng !tz temperatur. aprez 01 ocean ov warmer ra!ndropz. beaut! haz !tz r!znz.
in a low temperature system 2 water molecules near one other with a characteristic of a higher temperature system will attrakt one other with their elektro-static charges and oscillate together. a private + dreamful chaos.
in dreams however - there is an equation. the things i see - see me just as much as i see them.
all spasz !z f!ld u!th zomdz!ng.
evn !f ue != zee !t .....
du = breathe uater. = abzorb ox!gen. d!szolvz !n dze mo!st l!n!ng ov 01+ lung komponent. the moist waves, the geometrical shadows ....
memor! elongatez uarm ox!gen flou!ng koll!z!onz
axioms and rules impregnating the space between us.
a memevirus divulging its secrets into the supersymmetric mindscape sectors.
the universes are the body.
01 of the most engaging puzzlez of a very puzzling art. ... sharply emphasized by the delight of every spektator who is successful in solving the puzzle by finding in these enigmatic spirale within spirale 01 sort of tangible, pictorial justification of the title appended
nn ...
[kuantum u!zprz]
a ztrange + beaut!fl anomal! !n ur zolar z!ztm
learning how to mean
dze shape ov znou flakez depndz on dze temperatur + he!ght at u!ch dze! = l!fd.
0+0 l!f objkt [!nklud!ng znou flakez] = haz obzrvd !dent!kl znouflakez
1001 !sz breathz
cell adhez!on
- repeat aftr m!
m9ndfukc.macht.fre! _||- ee d c b a rr q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a
0 0 0
N[>] IMF - the International Meme Fund - shear pathway to the core. - promoting meme development. lokomotion. + reinvestment. - meme sekurity + meme transaktions. [>]
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