"Miller Puckette" mpuckett@man104-1.UCSD.EDU
Hi all,
I've released new versions of fiddle and bonk, and several new things, as part of a library named "toys". It's compiled for nt and linux, not yet for irix. see:
-- nato.0+55+3d - 150 addtl kommandz : 300+.- total nato.0+55 - 150 addtl kommandz : 230+.- total
dynamic masks and mattes construction - animated transitions. 2 types of video capture + related functions. -v2 does not require a digitizer. video filters. qtvr node routines. rtsp url support. addtl quickdraw.pixel info data ops facilitating construction of image filters in max. color replacement.deformations.film or live video to midi-etcetera track utility operations. programmatic film playlists.addtl import + automatik data placement + display management routines. live video mapping on 3d data. live video mirroring + ultra.tekk pixelation. + n o
kode : http://www.m9ndfukc.org/korporat/nato.0+55+3d.html plzt!k : http://m9ndfukc.com/nato.0+55 _- plzt!k zot v3kt0r r2!n
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