thanks for your answers some i understand somewhat, some less so certain words escape me such as kr!!ket, k!va, s!mca not a huge deal but obviously this can lead to misunderstandings which again is your perogative.
ma!z non. ! = u!sh 2 u!sh.
first some thoughts and general reactions i am an artist who happens to be writing a book. with my artist hat on much of what you do makes sense to me. for example i have felt the need in my work to put aside traditional notions and conventions of taste because i felt that they were working as a sort of censorship, allowing only ceratin things to be said. i see this too in the tone and structure of your writings. a rejection of certain ways of communications together with the development of linguistic devices that suit your agendas. i think as artists we all choose our communities our "target audiences" if you like in corporate media/military speak. from your comment
"I stream via pop3 elegantly + persistently"
i assume your community to be online. is there anything else that defines it? (and this is a bad question but) whatt are your thoughts on this as a priveliged arena? community/pubic artists broke out of the restrictions of the gallery system because of heirachical, elitist nature, are we in danger of just recreating that here?
as for "You better pay me." i have a small budget for the inclusion of visuals in the book.
name your price i will see if i can afford you
you cannot afford me i assure you. it must be i who gives. hence speak.
i sense a mcluhanesque streak in you - extention of the nervous system and all that.
all that western that.
any thought about this, techno-utopianism, technological determinism etc?
also a preocuupation with abstraction and beauty. am i getting any warmer? strangely old fashioned on some level.
as for corporate fascism. John berger said "thet the naming of the intolerable is in itself the hope" but there is a stage that comes after the naming and that is one of action. i am unclear what you propose here (forgive my simpleness again)
as for this below
Surely this is a great part of our dignity __... that we can understand. and through us matter can understand itself; that beginning with protons and electrons. out of the womb of time + the vastness of space [that space which lies between us] we can begin to know what to observe and where to act - to understand; that organized as in us - the hydrogen. the carbon. the nitrogen. the oxygen. those 16 to 21 elements. the water. the sunlight - all having become us can understand what they are and how they came to be.
need to think about it some more but first thoughts (and i'm begining to sound like a marxist which i don't think i am) what about organization? what about power?
As for
Beauty has its reasons.
I am the smallest fullerene. I am a sphere with 12 pentagons distributed across my surface. which are you +?
Which bit of me is wiggling +?
Is that fullerene in it's definition as molecule or as follower of Buckminster Fuller or both. What am I? not as eloquent as you, not sure I have the distance necessary to decide. (unlike you)
What else do I see/hear- a religious kind of revelation through technology, but not religious in the conventional way. Use of sexual metaphors to suggest a unity, a mutual consumption again consumated through technology. Maybe also sex as power similar to the language as power I suggested elsewhere.
better get to writing