On Sat, 15 Oct 2005, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
USAians are just as _anti_-competitive as anyone else. USA is not a capitalist state, whatever they say. If they were, they'd spend more time ensuring that large companies can't bully small companies out of the market.
Funny that all the non-Americans are speaking about how things work here.
It's not funny. USAians have so much influence on the rest of the world that it would be quite difficult to ignore them AND it's in everybody's interest to know what they have to know about the USA.
What you describe above is socialism, something I subscribe to. But I do agree that the U.S. is not capitalist. Its a welfare state for large corporations and the extremely rich. Just look who gets the government handouts.
I was alluding to any anti-competitive behaviour. The Anti-Trust law is not a socialist law. It's a law designed to keep the market healthier and to preserve competition. It doesn't require handing out money to any corporation, large or small: it's just a matter of forbidding a number of nasty moves that large corporations routinely use in order to not even have to compete on quality or price.
If that capitalism thing was more serious to USAians, they'd enforce the Anti-Trust law more often and they'd have it stronger.
____________________________________________________________________ Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada