moin Frank, moin again list,
On 2006-12-15 23:28:49, Frank Barknecht appears to have written:
Bryan Jurish hat gesagt: // Bryan Jurish wrote:
(B) is the onboard soundcard on said laptop tolerable (A/D-D/A sync, general quality, etc.)? [i realize it probably won't be great; i just can't afford a hammerfall, my quattro is basically crap, and the adc on my terratec usb is thoroughly unsatisfying]
Being in part responsible for your choice of USB card: I also upgraded from the cheap Terratec USB to the Terratec Phase26, which has really good ADC.
no blame attaches. any similarity between the soundcards i have purchased and those which any person or persons real and/or fictional may or may not have reported using, tested and/or reviewed for major national computing-technology periodicals is unintended and purely coincidental.
really. ;-)
USB and Firewire may have the advantage, that they are somewhere else if a laptop is stolen. ;) (Sorry, I just couldn't resist to make this silly joke.)
ok, i guess i deserved that one :-P
marmosets, Bryan