Really like it.
I did some similar stuff with PDP, but using video feedback as a technique to turn ordinary video shots into abstract line smears.
I think I'll try to use your material and see what I come up with. Only problem is it's really difficult to get good recordings from PDP.
Thanks, and keep at it, Ed Ninja Jamm - a revolutionary new music remix app from Ninja Tune and Seeper, for iPhone and iPad
Gemnotes-0.2: Live music notation for Pure Data, now with dynamics!
On Wednesday, 23 October 2013, 20:23, David Schaffer wrote:
Hi there, I've been willing to better my GEM skills recently and I decided to build abstract videos using a bunch of photos I took this summer.
The result is slowly moving textures that, I thought, could be usefull for people involved in the VJ scene. They are meant to be used as raw material for audio-visual performances. I also think they could be used as moving gobos in a stage/concert configuration.
Since this is my
first attempt at doing video, I would really appreciate your comments and feedback about how you like the work and how it could evolve into even more usefull material. Thanks a lot.
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