[Apologies for cross-postings]

Dear all, 

You are invited to take part in an online survey on musical influences. This is part of an exploratory study into musician’s attitudes to influence and the creative process. It would be great to get your involvement, and hear your opinions!

Responses are anonymous, and you are under no obligation to complete the survey even if you start it; however, if you do choose to submit the survey, the anonymised data will be used to inform the study, and may appear in a future publication. Completing this survey should take around 15 minutes, and involves giving some quantitative ratings to statements, and some written responses to questions. I’m really interested in anything you have to say on the subject! 

There is no financial reward for taking part; the only reward is my immense gratitude, and a promise that any resulting publication will be publicised on this mailing list in due course. 

Web link to survey: 

Many thanks for your time,
Nick Collins
Music Informatics
University of Sussex

This research has been cleared in advance by ethics committee, under reference code CREC-IEM_2010_1