Oh man, Xenakis' holy grail. I WISH! Seems the closet thing to it is Metasynth. I would be interested in a Pd clone...but it would probably take a data structures wiz or a new gui.
On 3/14/06, Tomato Thaumato thaumato.open@gmail.com wrote:
Has anyone created a Pd version of the UPIC? (or a Max/MSP version, for that matter?) I'm curious about it, and would love to get a "first-hand" understanding of how the system worked. It looks to me like it might be the sort of thing you might see a Pd enthusiast replicate, but I feel it might take someone who had used to the UPIC before to make it anew.
-- http://perhapsidid.blogspot.com (((())))(()()((((((((()())))()(((((((())()()())()))) (())))))(()))))))))))))(((((((((((()()))))))))((()))) ))(((((((((((())))())))))))))))))))__________ _____())))))(((((((((((((()))))))))))_______ ((((((())))))))))))((((((((000)))oOOOOOO