The radio project is a weekly half-hour program on College Radio (KSDB 91.9 Manhattan, KS, at midnight on Wednesdays) and podcast/mp3zine. You can visit for details and listen to previous episodes.
Also, you may subscribe to our RSS feed with this link: by pasting it into your favorite aggregator (iTunes, odeo, Fireant, &c).
The program is a Surrealist NPR show, using odd juxtaposition a la the 1930s Surrealist periodical "Documents," in which irrelevant and bizarre associations play a key role to the content.
Much of the score was made using Pure Data, often by programming generative algorithms that play along with guest musicians. If you are interested in contributing a segment or music, please let us know! We are always looking for talent.
~Kyle Klipowicz -- (((())))(()()((((((((()())))()(((((((())()()())()))) (())))))(()))))))))))))(((((((((((()()))))))))((()))) ))(((((((((((())))())))))))))))))))__________ _____())))))(((((((((((((()))))))))))_______ ((((((())))))))))))((((((((000)))oOOOOOO