Hallo, IOhannes m zmoelnig hat gesagt: // IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
i have put a page online that should describe the netiquette of the pd-related lists (or my views, how they could look like)
however, since i am only an individual, i might be wrong or mistaken in the one or other issue. if you could have a look at it and feel an urge to express that they are ok or what should be changed how or what i have forgotton, please feel free to do so.
Something else for the netiquette text:
Please post your messages in plain text format and avoid HTML formatted mail. Many subscribers read their mail with a text based mailing software, which displays HTML directly. Not only is sending HTML mail considered unfriendly, you also risk getting ignored by these users. And it might be, that one of them is the only one who knows the answer to your question. Get it? So be nice and don't sent HTML, send plain text, all will be well.