A delay in general is a type of filter, an "all-pass" filter.
here is one of the first hits I got from google that would be relevant to your problem:
hmm, quickly thinking about it (and moving the discussion to the [OT] list)...
On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 12:35:17AM +0200, Roman Haefeli wrote:
i had a discussion with a teacher today. the topic was the smallest delay-time possible. in his opinion one sample is the atom of signal and cannot be divided anymore. in my opinion it should be possible to get shorter delays than 1 samples with interpolation. my argument was: it
be possible to set the values of each sample so, that the resulting signal would be similar to a digitized analogue signal with a shorter than 1
Does anybody know a good explanation for this problem?
i konw, this haven't got anything to do with pd. but i think you are the right people to ask. by the way: if it is possible, how would a
in pd look like?
thank you for helpin me
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