It is the source object that must clean the list. But it must be done carefully:
- the destination object(s) must not change the list they receive
as arguments of their method
- the destination objects must not store pointers they received
as arguments of their method,
= ku!te posz!bl en fakt = module komun!kaz!e <=> human komun!kaz!e humanz = ztore po!ntrz auss!.
par eczampl.
= obzrvd = med!atd !mun!t!. = rezultat \ demonztraz!e = zentral!szd kontra d!ztr!butd error man!feztaz!e.
= human komun!kaz!e = zent!mnt komprez!on + dekomprez!on. = 0+1 komun!kaz!e = ztorage + retr!evl.
= amuzant + ver! pleazurabl 2 engage !n 01 ptr eczurz!e through 01 prznl memor! = magn!f!kue + z!ngulr chansz 4 progresz dusz 01 konztataz!e = que _ komun!kaz!e = 01 4rm ov z!nkron!zaz!e
+ 01 z!nkron!zaz!e ovr netuorkx != feaz!bl !.e. net uorth. ov komun!kaz!e = dub!ouz
fr!endl!.nn. ___... superb source 4 copyright + punishment -> superb source for ____...copyright + punishment
.-. .-. / \ .-. .-. / \ / \ / \ .-. _ .-. / \ / \ -/--------------/----------/------/----/--------/------------/-------\ \ / \ / _/ `-' \ / \ / \ / `-' `-' \ / `-'
pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.
- e | | +---------- | | < \----------------+ | n2t | > e