Hallo, hard off hat gesagt: // hard off wrote:
is there any way i can just make ROOT and USER as the same thing, and not have to enter my password or get read/write permissions anymore?
i mean...no-one else WANTS to use this computer.
Well, *you* want, or don't you? "root" is not a user, root's a non-user, a meta-user, the super-user. root is very special and should be handled like that. Besides that: Ubuntu doesn't even have a root-user, that you can log in as.
i just ran this script that opens a GEDIT window, and then asks me to paste stuff into the file and 'save as'.....but then it says i can't paste and save because i don't have permission.
You will be glad, that you didn't have permissions if you once have typed "rm -rf *" as root in the wrong directory. Now, really, don't even try to do everything as root. You will get used to doing stuff as yourself very soon.
For getting around the Gedit problem: You should use the "sudo" command to do administrative work. It will only ask you for your password once and then cache it for quite a long time. So doing $ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and then $ sudo gedit /etc/modpropde.de/alsa-local you will only need to type the password with the first command.