Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Steffen hat gesagt: // Steffen wrote:
Finally i'd like to state that it would be nice if announcments was sendt to the announce list only. I see no reason to cross post. And i see no reason to post announcements to the pd-list, since there is an announcment. I suggest this to be added to the netiquette.
personally i agree.
To me pd-announce is a subset of pd-list for those people who don't want to follow every discussion and flame war, but don't want to miss important announcements either.
i agree too.
pd-list has manymany more subscribers than pd-announce, so I guess, many pd-list subscribers either don't want to read pd-related announcements - I doubt this - or many pd-list subscribers just don't know about pd-announce or didn't bother to subscribe. All these people would miss pd-announcements on pd-announce, unless they are crossposted to pd-list. That's the reason why I cross-post to both lists. I'd like to continue to be allowed to cross-post, because it is unlikely that we will get several hundreds of pd-list subscribers not yet subscribed to pd-announce to change their subscription habits.
a simple solution would be to add the entire pd-list to the pd-announce subscribers and set all subscribees (is that the word?) of pd-announce who are also subscribed to pd-list to "no-mail" so they don't get cross-postings.
what do you think?
Regarding posts from non-subscribers: I'd vote for keeping pd-announce open to them.
as stated previously, i am also tending towards such a solution.
however, i still like to enforce regular posters to pd-announce to be subscribed: it is rather tiresome if i have to manually approve dozens of posts from e.g. (sorry hans, this is just an example :-)) just because addresses who are legitimate but obviously one-time posters are let through.
mf.asdr. IOhannes