Now that Apple went Intel, why not just get one and partition the drive to run OS X, GNU/Linux, and (God forbid) Windows?  You'd be unstoppable.

On 12/15/06, Hans-Christoph Steiner <> wrote:

Apple puts good audio hardware in their laptops.  I can get 14ms of
latency on Mac OS X with Pd without really trying (I just set it to
14ms).  I can get down to 11ms if I don't mind clicks when I operate
the menus and switch to other applications.

I think that if you really want to get down to something like 2-3ms,
then you'll have to work at it, and you'll probably be better of with
a Debian-based system or maybe PlanetCCRMA.


On Dec 15, 2006, at 2:18 PM, Bryan Jurish wrote:

> ... or: "the power of the darkside"
> ... or: "how i hope to learn to stop clicking and love live
> processing"
> ... or: "yet another frequently annoying question"
> morning all,
> my burning questions, to any and all mobile pd users who feel
> inclined to respond, are:
> (A) what is the lowest (stable) latency you can achieve with pd and
> the laptop of your choice?
> and
> (B) is the onboard soundcard on said laptop tolerable (A/D-D/A
> sync, general quality, etc.)?  [i realize it probably won't be
> great; i just can't afford a hammerfall, my quattro is basically
> crap, and the adc on my terratec usb is thoroughly unsatisfying]
> Motivation: as avid readers of pd-dev may recall, my trusty old
> laptop was stolen last week (*schneef*), which is all very annoying
> etc. (fingerprint powder is a right $/%&! to clean off of a white
> windowsill), but does at least give me the chance to improve on
> some of its less desirable qualities when choosing its replacement,
> so yes, this is one of those "what's the best laptop for running
> pd" mails (profuse apologies; feel free to flame me, but we haven't
> had one on the list in at least a month now ;-)
> so far, my favorite linux candidates are ibm(lenovo) [older T or
> newer R] or dell, but upon consideration, i realize that the dark
> side of the force (Apple MacBook(intel)/OS-X) does indeed have a
> certain allure. the specs are pretty much identical, but the dark
> side does have a growing attraction as i become older and lazier...
> so: anyone out there with direct experience of both mactel & linux
> willing to commit on the issue of audio performance?
> marmosets,
>       Bryan
> --
> Bryan Jurish                           "There is *always* one more
> bug."
>       -Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic
> Entomology
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