defaults-test.pd shows a text entery field widget in action. -josh
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
You could make one that does that using Krszyszcz's [widget] and a Tcl text field. I forget which example did that and this Windows box doesn't have a functional tow/widget on it.
On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, e skogen wrote:
i think it might be nice if it could stay open, more like a terminal, instead of closing after every message sent.
Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Thurstan hat gesagt: // Thurstan wrote:
I have searched the PD-site and Google extensively but still cannot figure out the 'message' in the File menu. What does it do?
Here it just gives errors. As in 'error: no such object'
How do I then utilise it?
Wich "message" you can send, well, messages. They need a receiver, though, and you must specify a receiver in your message. For example: Make a patch like this:
[r foo] | [print it]
then open "message" and type: "foo bar" and Return. You console window now prints:
it: bar
Nice, huh?
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