On Sun, 7 May 2006, Christian Klippel wrote:
thats why i think both would make a nice couple, especially for all the analog sound freaks out there ;) sure it is not use-able to emulate some full-featured, digital circuit with it... i dont see much sense in that anyway, since it could be done in pd natively, its just the sound generation/manipulation through circuit emulation that i am after ...
I think that if you're going to emulate analog electronics using Pd, you will have to create a new subsystem aside the messagesystem and the signalsystem, which will work sort of like the signalsystem but will take into account two-way interaction between components. Analog circuits don't have much to do with dataflow, it's just that most readymade components are made to approximate dataflow because it's a model that is easier to think about than something that needs you to solve linear equation systems just to find what anything is doing.
For those who'd rather face the analog electronics, this could be a really cool project. I'm curious how you'd implement the following in Pd:
.-[ohm 22]-.------------[ohm 15]-. | | | A ----| `-[ohm 33]-. |---- B | | | `-[ohm 47]-'----------'-[ohm 68]-'
such that if a [ohmmeter] gui object is plugged into A and B it will find the right voltage. I don't really know how existing algorithms work. Do you plan to use existing algorithms or come up with more efficient ones? What is the samplerate required at the analog-simulation level in order to be able to produce a pitch like [osc~ 11025] in a rather faithful way?
I didn't distinguish inlets and outlets in the above diagram. This is because a resistor doesn't distinguish between inlets and outlets. In your system, what would be considered an inlet and what would be considered an outlet and why?
I copied this to pd-list because I don't see anything off-topic in the idea...
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada