Le 6 Janvier 2006 12:50, Marc Lavallée a écrit :
Le 6 Janvier 2006 10:59, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
FYI: Since PiDiP was started by porting EffecTV to PDP, PiDiP inherits EffecTV's GNU GPL license.
If it doesn't use EffectTV as modules (external code) and includes source code from EffectTV, you're right.
I checked; the EffectTV part is implemented as source modules ported to PD, and their c files are released as GPL. But the whole shebang, including the EffectTV modules, is compiled into one monolitic binary external (not including help patches and external files like images and map, or course).
So until the licensing issues are not solved, I'll call it PiDNiP, since it's Definitely Not in Pieces... ;-)
Such is the infectious nature of the GNU GPL.
B.T.W. the GPL is not a desease. -- Marc