IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
João Miguel Pais wrote:
when I meant through internet, was between different ips (not with routers or cables). Can you also recomend programs or something similar?
how do you connect if not through "routers and cables"?
We don't have that much time to read manuals.
usually you have ssh running on any reasonable linux machine.
oh, i overlooked the "XP" in your initial mail. there is the free "winSCP" available, which gives you a nice gui.
and you could also use "windoze sharing" (on the w32 side) / SAMBA (on linux/osx) to share the data:
on kubuntu open the konqueror and type "smb://winhost/share" in the URI-field and you should connect to the w32 machine "winhost" (btw, you can also use the URI "sftp://user@remotehost" to open an sftp/ssh session)
since i am no gnome user i don't know the exact way how to do it with ubuntu/nautilus.
mfg.asd.r IOhannes