CK hat gesagt: // CK wrote:
The more pressing issue IMO is that in the 'art world' if you are working in a field that seldomly yields a tangible artefact (as opposed to pretty oil paintings) your credit is entirely based on the reception of your work and not on gallery sales
First: I am no artist, at least not a professional one. ;)
But is my impression correct, that media art isn't really sold, but more done for hire? Like, some institue comes along and tells someone: Please make us an impressive installation, and we pay you.
This wouldn't be that much different from the way, some open source software developers earn their money. You gain reputation while working on, say, the Apache webserver and then someone, who needs to setup a customized webserver, asks you to do that, for money.
At least that's how I earned open source money once...